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Your POV

Gladion decided to come and pick me up. He told me to wear just a casual outfit, since his mother didn't mind how I would look like, except for Gladion and Lillie themselves. Also, because he said I should just be myself.

When we were on the artificial island, also known as the Æther Paradies, we walked into the entrance. The place seemed a little empty. None - or just a few workers were here. We walked to the other side of the entrance, where their mansion is.

As we walked to the mansion, I remembered Gladion had something to tell me yesterday. I really want to know what he wants to tell me, but is it a good time to ask him about it? No, I should wait. Perhaps it's better after the dinner.

Gladion cleared his throat and looked at me. "Before we enter the mansion, I just gotta tell you that my mother..", he darted his eyes to the side, in a embarrassed way, "She.. can act weird."

"That's fine! I've seen your mother act way crazier before so..", I reassured him. He let out a sigh and closed his eyes, before opening the door for us. We were greeted by the smell of food in the air. Gladion walked to a door, where a larger room was. In the middle of it was a dining table, full of different kinds of food. By the sight of it, I got really hungry.

"Mother..!", Gladion yelled, looking around the room. There was a second door, leading into another room. I think it's the kitchen. Lusamine walked out of it and had an angry look on her face. She walked up to Gladion and pinched his cheeks.

"I told you to call me mommy!", she scolded and folded her arms. I covered my mouth to not burst out laughing, but one chuckle escaped my mouth. His mother heard it and turned her head into my direction. She began to smile. "(Name), it's really you! My, how you've grown and you're beautiful too!"

"Thank you! Yes it's me. How are you?", I asked her, as she grabbed both of my hands and caressed them. "I'm very fine! Thanks to that doctor back in Kanto! I'm sorry for causing all the troubles back in that day." She looked down in shame, as I shook my head. "It's fine! You're healthy. That's all what matters now."

Lusamine looked back up again, turning her head to Gladion who had listened to the conversation. She began to laugh mischieviously and told us to sit at the table. Before walking back into that other room, she told us that Hau and Lillie were still on their way, so we were alone for a while now.

I looked at my hands, that were placed on my lap. Sometimes I would either take a glimpse at Gladion or at the food. Honestly, the food looks so devouring, I could drool.

Gladion sneezed suddenly, while mumbling something under his breath. "Bless you~", I said. He was sitting on the opposite of me. He looked very impatient and was looking irritated around the room. His cheeks were red all the time, as he was doing so.

"Are you alright Gladion?", I asked him, leaning a bit forward. He avoided my gaze and shrugged. "Yeah. I'm fine."

Suddenly the door we came in before, was burst open by an enthuastic teen boy. We all call him the malasada boy.

"Hey guys!!", Hau shouted through the room. Lillie, who stood behind him waved at us. Gladion facepalmed in embarrassement. "That idiot has no manners." Then, his hair got messed up from someone.

He fixed his hair, grunting in annoyance, as he looked who did that. It was Lusamine, looking rather displeased. "My son. Who taught you such words?", she asked, sounding a little scary. I gulped and looked at Gladion, who didn't mind that aura of his mother radiating.

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