New Years Eve Special

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Today I uploaded two chapters~! This one and the 12th chapter. Have fun with the special! :3

As always, the specials have nothing to do with the actual mainstory. Sorry guys ;(


Your POV

Soon it's time for the countdown to the new year. 2017 - I hope I will experience even more adventures this year.

Currently, I was sitting on the ground in Iki Town with all our Pokémon, Trial Captains, Kahunas, Prof. Kukui, my mother, Hau, Lillie and last but not least Gladion. We were celebrating and started to prepare the fireworks and drinks, to cheer after the clock reached 12am.

I looked up the sky wandering off somewhere and sat down on the ground, seeing the stars and moon shining brightly. I was tired already, yet I didn't want to go home, because it seems everyone was excited for the fireworks and I didn't want to be the first one to go home. I was the Champion after all and everyone was grateful for my use.

Someone sat next to me, which turned out to be Gladion. He looked at me with worry.

"Is something wrong?", he asked me softly. I stared back at the sky and let myself lay down on the ground. He did the same.

"Just tired", I replied with a yawn. He looked at me with a frown and let out a sigh.

"You know, there's only five minutes left until it's 12am. Everyone has been looking for you", Gladion said and stood up from the ground, brushing off the remaining dirt.

I raised my eyebrows and stood up. "Oh? Then let's go and do the countdown with the others", I said and grabbed him by the hand. I glanced back for a moment, smiling at him. He smiled a little and turned red for a second.

"There you are!", Lillie waved at us, as we arrived back to the spot they were counting down. "One minute left only!!", someone of the trial captains said, probably Kiawe.

I held in one hand a drink with non-alcohol content, while with the other hand I still held Gladions hand. For a weird reason, I didn't want to let go of him and he noticed it too, but didn't care that much.

"10", everyone started to count, as it reached the last few seconds.






"4", everyone raised their voice.




"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!", we all yelled, as we all cheered with our drinks. The fireworks started shooting into the air, revealing many different shapes and colors. We wished everyone else, a good start in the new year and happiness. The moment was incredibly beautiful and nothing could top it.

As I placed down the drink, I felt how Gladion pulled me closer to him, with our still interwined hands. His face was inches away from mine, making me feel his hot breath tickle against my face. He smiled at me and chuckles, seeing me blush.

"Happy new year~", he cooed into my ears, then cupped my face, kissing me in process. Everyone around us gasped in surprise and some of them even squealed. I hesitated a bit, before kissing him back. I felt him smile in the kiss. After he needed oxygen, he pulled back, panting. Gladion looked into my face, observing my face with a big grin.

"You're cute when you blush", he stated with a teasing smirk. I playfully hit him and pouted. "That's the first thing you tell me in the new year?", I asked him and folded my arms.

He snickers and patted my head. "Well yeah, it's true."

Lillie came up to me and hugged me tightly. "Aww!! You guys are so cute, I can't believe you aren't together yet", Lillie said with a sad face. My mother walked up to us and nodded in agreement. "I know right? They could have such beautiful babies", my mother said and shook her head sadly.

"Mom!", I whined, making Lillie and my mother snicker. She started to pat my head and smiled. "I was just joking- maybe", I heard her say under her breath. I let out a sigh of defeat, ignoring their jokes and walked back to Gladion, who was talking to Hau.

"Oh your wife is coming", Hau said sarcastically, when he spotted me walking up to them. Gladion hit Hau in the back of his head, making the poor teen boy whimper in pain.

"Ouch! What was that for?", Hau demanded, as he massaged his head. Gladion scoffed and crossed his arms. "You deserve it."

"Ah! You meanie! (Name), tell your scary husband he needs to stop being so mean to me!", Hau pleaded and hides behind my back. I blushed and darted my eyes to the ground. "H-He's not my husband."

"Maybe not yet", Gladion added with a smirk. He came closer to me and leaned down, looking to the side, where Hau was trying so desperately to hide.

"Leave", Gladion growled, gesturing Hau to go away, by waving his hand back and forth. Hau obeyed and walked to Lillie, where he complained about her brother being mean to him.

We were left alone and looked at the sky, the fireworks still took over the nightsky.

I ended the silence. "I hope to get on more adventures with you", I confessed with a blush across my face. I felt him stare at me and looked up to meet his gaze. He really did stare at me, but with such passion in his eyes, I accidently started to fall in them.

"I'll even show you the world (Name)", Gladion said with the beautiful smile I love so much.


Hey guys! I hope everyone of you will have a nice start in the next year. I wish the next year will be better, since this one was the WORST ;-;

Anyway, bye bye! Until the next time!! ♡

Anyway, bye bye! Until the next time!! ♡

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*Dabs out of the game*

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