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Your POV

"Lillie, please no-", I begged and tried to get out of her grip, but she hardened it, making me wince a little.

Me and Lillie were currently at the Æther Foundation to bring her stuff, clothings etc, in her room. But once we have done that, she dragged me along to a familiar direction in the hallway.

To where Gladions room is.

I sweatdropped when we were infront of Gladions door. She turned on her heels and looked at me with a mischief grin. She grabbed the handle, pushed it down and walked into the room, where her older brother was lying on his bed. He let out a groan and positioned himself sitting.

"Oi Faba. How many times did I tell you to knock—", Gladion stopped in mid sentence and looked at me, studying and proceeding the appearance next to me. His eyes softened when he realised it was his younger sibling.

"Hey Gladion!", Lillie said, cheerfully.

"Oh, hey Lillie. Had a good trip?", the older brother asked his sister, softly. She nodded, while sitting on the edge of his bed.

He drew his attention back to me, but then quickly avoided my eyes. Somehow, he looked like a little scared. I never saw him in that way. Was it perhaps, he was ashamed to talk with me when his sister was around? I couldn't explain it.

Lillie was on her phone scrolling through photos, until she squealed and showed the cause of it to her older brother. He blushed at it and darted his eyes, before huffing out. "Hmpf. Send me this picture."

"She's cute, isn't she?", Lillie fangirled, eyeing me quickly but looked back at her screen. I raised an eyebrow and began walking to her, to know the reason on why Lillie was fangirling. But she hides her device behind her back and sticks out a tongue at me.

"You're not allowed to see!"

I pouted and did a Rockruff face, trying to break through her attitude. Did Lillie really get that, insolent? I can't believe that she turned out like this. Probably, I have to get used to it, even if it'll take a while.

"Atleast tell me about the person, you are talking about!" I protested and crossed my arm childishly. Lillie took a quick glance at Gladion, who seemed to have gotten the photo already. "It's his crush", she admitted proudly. "He really likes her."

Gladion started to blush and covered Lillies mouth, refraining her to say anything else. "S-Stop saying such nonsense Lillie." She pulled his hand away and grinned playfully. "Aww~ My big brother is flustered."

I stood there, completely clueless about what they were talking about. Gladion had a crush? If yes, then who? Why am I even curious about it? Why am I getting jealous?

I felt my face heat up in jealousy and Lillie took notice of it. Her once playful grin, changed into a worrying one. A look of guilt was in her emerald orbs. "Let's do something else, shall we? How about we play truth or dare?", she asked, changing the subject. I hesitate a bit, but accepted. Gladion didn't want to, but after some convincing, he was forced to join.

The three of us sat on the floor. "I'll start", Lillie began, putting her hands up. She pointed to Gladion and smiled. "Truth or dare, Gladion?"

"Uh.. truth?", he sighs. Her smile widens and she looked at me. "How do you feel about (Name)?"

Narrator POV

"How I feel about her? W-Well.. She's my rival. Obviously, that's what (Name) is", he replied nervously and tried to hide his blush with a hand, avoiding their curious stares. (Name) tilted her head in a cute way and pressed her lips together.

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