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Your POV

It's been a while, since I've seen Gladion. Including Hau and Lillie. I woke up in my own room and not in another unfamiliar one. The boy wasn't even nearby. After I've woken up, my mother rushed into my room, crying and was worried sick that I was kidnapped. She didn't allow me to go out. I told her I was fine, but she still insisted to.

The incident with that boy was over a week now and they still didn't want to inform me how it turned out. Hau texted me not to worry and they would take care about it, but why can't I help? I've also messaged Gladion recently, but he is ignoring my texts. I feel terrible, getting ignored by someone I really like.

I sighed and grabbed one of my Pokéballs, the one containing Primarina. It turned out, that my team was here the whole time. I was glad nothing happened to them. "Prima!", the seal Pokémon cried, hugging me tightly in process. She must have felt my sadness, but I didn't want her to worry. I patted her head and hugged her back.

"I'm fine." I gave her an assuring smile and grabbed the other balls, calling them out of their containers. My team all had a worried expression on their face. "Hey what's up with your looks?"

Yuudai walked towards me and placed its head under my hand. "Sil", it cried and snuggled onto my hand. I caressed his head and slowly - tears began forming in my eyes. I wiped them away and avoided their gazes. "S-Sorry", I excused and kept on wiping my tears away, "I don't know what overcame me. I just miss them."

They all let out a cry and walked towards me, snuggling close to my body. The warm embrace of theirs, made my heart warm up. I laughed with tears and hugged them all back. "Thank you for being my team and always be there for me."

"(Name) you have visitors!", my mother suddenly called from the living room. I got up from the bed where I was sitting before, while my team looked into the direction where I was heading to. I opened the door to my room and stepped out of it. Looking around the room, I saw Lillie, Hau and Gladion sitting on the couch. There was one person more - It was that boy who kidnapped me.

"(Name)!!", Hau yelled, hurrying over me with a big grin. He stopped infront of me and froze. Lillie widened her eyes and also ran towards me. "Y-Your eyes are all red. Have you been crying?", Hau asked, the worry in his voice was firmly there. I nodded and laughed awkwardly. Lillie suddenly pulled me in an embrace and patted my back, comforting me.

"I didn't know what was going on. I'm so sorry that I didn't contact you at all", she apologized, hugging me even tighter. I smiled. "It's okay now, Lillie."


I turn my attention to the owner of the voice. Gladion had his frown on his face, but somehow it looked a lot different than usual.

"..Are you alright?", he asked, slowly walking closer to me. Lillie had gone back sitting on the couch, speaking with Hau and that boy.

"Oh umm. Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry!", I said with a cheeky grin. His frown didn't leave his face. "Stupid." He flicked my forehead and turned away blushing, while folding his arms. "Of course I am worried." I placed a hand on my forehead, blushing at the blondette.

"So what are you guys doing here?", I asked curiously. We sat on the couch. Finally I'm seeing them again, but what makes me wonder is, why that boy is with them. Gladion breathed in deeply. "This brat." His gaze stopped at the boy. "He wants to apologize."

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