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Your POV

"Y-You know what? Let's just forget what I was trying to tell you!", Lillie finished off, waving her arms around and blushing like a mess. I pressed my lips together.

"No! Tell me who you like!", I said, stomping on the ground and demanding her. Lillie sweatdropped and looked at the floor. She swallowed down a big lump. She breathed in deeply, then she glanced back at me.

"I like Hau—!"

Suddenly the door handle was pushed down, opening it quietly. Hau entered the room and stopped in the middle of walking inside. He heard the sentence coming out of Lillies mouth and turned bright red. I covered my mouth, exchanging glances at the both of them. Lillie didn't notice Hau yet, because she was looking down again. But oh my- They both must be very flustered.

After processing her words, Hau finally spoke up. "L-Lillie.. Is that true?", he asked, while walking over her. She flinched hearing his voice and looked up again, meeting his curious gaze and blushing face. "I- ..Yes I like you Hau. I really do like you more than just a friend!", Lillie confessed, shutting her eyes to be not too embarrassed infront of him.

He gaped his mouth open and had a surprised look on his face. I giggled at the both of them and got a hold of the strap of my bag, grabbing it with me. "I'm leaving you guys alone", I told them and head out of my room. I could feel the tension behind my back, before closing the door.

Gladion noticed me coming out of my room, without Lillie and Hau. He raised an eyebrow, looking a little curious. "Where's Lillie and Hau?", he asked. The blonde stood up from the couch, where he was doing a glare contest with Sun before and walked to me. Sun wasn't here anymore, to my surprise. "E-Eh..", I began awkwardly, "They're just talking."

"Talking?", he questioned in a suspicious tone, looking over my shoulder to the door. "So why are they in your room, if they're just talking? They can do that in here too." He walked over the door and placed his hand on the handle.

"No wait!!", I yelled and hurried over to him, pulling him away from the door. "You can't go in there right now!"

He groaned. "Why not? It's just talking, right?" I looked at the side, looking for an excuse for them, so Lillies overprotective brother wouldn't ruin their moment. "Y-Yeah it is. But you can't go in", I said trying not to sound too nervous. My face suddenly turned red like Pikachus cheeks, when he leaned closer to my face, reading my expression.

He folded his arms and sighed. "Well, I suppose I must accept your order. It's your house after all." I nodded my head and clunched my fists together, still a little flustered about the thing before. "Y-Yeah! Indeed."

The door of my room opened, revealing two blushing teens. Somehow, they looked heated too, as if they kissed. I tried to hold back my squeal of happiness. "And~?", I asked Lillie, watching her gaze slowly drifting to Hau, who was scratching his nape embarrassingly. "W-We're going out together", she told me with a smile and tinted pink cheeks.

"W-What was that?!" Gladion overheard our conversation and stepped back in shock. "You aren't serious right now, are you?" He glared at Hau, anger was written in the blondes eyes. "You–! What did you do to my sister?!" Gladion pulled Hau up by his collar, receiving a scared chuckle from the enthuastic teen. "I-I didn't do anything!", Hau excused, his arms raised up in defeat.

"Gladion!", Lillie shouts in a scolding tone, walking over between Hau and Gladion. She pulled them away from each other and sighed. "He didn't do anything", she began mumbling and blushed, "well actually he did.."

Haus eyes widen. "Wait what? Did I do something wrong?", he asked, confused on what she meant with him doing something. I stepped in for Lillie, putting my hand on his shoulder. "She is trying to say, that you stole her heart", I explained him with a chuckle. He glanced away from us and grinned shyly, with a blush across his face.

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