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Your POV

Should I tell him? I'm afraid of his reaction. What if he will never talk with me again, or worse, end the relationship? I gulp and look down. I have to tell him and there's no going back.

I waved at Hau, gesturing he needs to come here for a second, which he did. Then I looked at Gladion. Nodding to Hau, who had a panicking expression on him, I began to reveal the prank.

"Gladion it—" Hau put an arm around my shoulders and placed one hand on my mouth, making me not finish the sentence. I looked at him with a questioning look, as he giggles nervously. Gladion was also surprised by Hau's behaviour.

"Uhh.. (Name)? Can I talk to you for a second please?" He didn't wait for my respond, and just dragged me away. Once we were a little away from Gladions attendance, Hau sighed.

"What's up? Don't you want to tell him, that it was a prank?", I ask him and placed a hand on my waist. He nodded, unexpectedly. He played with his fingers and looked down. I knew he was hiding something.

"Hau, tell me the truth right now. Why don't you want to tell him, that it was a prank?", I asked in a scolding tone. Hau darted his eyes and chuckles nervously.

"I'll tell him! Okay? Just stay here for a moment." Hau ran back to our spot, leaving me confused by his act.


Oh Arceus, I have to save the situation! They made so much progress today. If she's gonna tell him, he would probably don't like her anymore. Or maybe he still does. I don't know! I'm gonna save their relationship!!

I panted, as soon as I saw Gladion. He was sitting and watching how the sun disappeared behind the ocean. He looked at me, when I sat down next to him. Before I spoke, I inhaled and exhaled again.

"I know it was a prank", Gladion said all of a sudden.

My jaw dropped and my eyes widen. I grabbed both of his shoulders and shook him. This can't be true! "How?! You looked so worried before and you believed it too! So how did you find out it was a prank?" I asked and let go of his shoulders.

He started to smirk. "It's obvious. At first, I didn't know, but when I found it out, it was pretty.. well, it pissed me off. I replayed the day carefully, how you reacted and more. Firstly, you could have saved her from drowning, without waisting time and wake me up. Secondly, you laughed while she was in a 'bad state'. I know you're not like that, Hau. You worry for your friends. Thirdly, you were having a phone call with someone, with a mischievious smirk, after I gave her the CPR. Fourth, the way you acted when (Name) wanted to tell me something, was quiet suspicious and I instantly figured out that it could only be a prank. But that's not the only thing; It seems like you have a plan. Now spit it out, Hau."

His analysis caught me off guard. I didn't know that Gladion was so - Genius. I couldn't find the right words, of how he figured it out. My mouth was hanging open. The plan he was talking about, I could never tell him! I promised Guzma, that is just between us two.

"Stop hestitating, Hau. I'll also treat you Malasada."

I laughed at him. "No! I won't tell you! You can't convince me!" My stomach started to growl loudly. There was a long silence between us, and I looked down to my feet. Why did it have to be now? My stomach had the leadership, when I'm hungry.

Sighing I gave up. "Okay.. I'll tell you. But we have to get (Name) back. We're gonna eat together", I say and go back to where (Name) was. As soon as she spotted me, I waved at her.

"Hey! Let's go eat some malasada!!" I yell. She stood up and jogged to me. Before we walked back, she asked me what took so long.

"And did you tell him?"

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