Chapter Two

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Maddie's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I turn over and reach my hand into the cold December atmosphere from my cozy bed.

"I swear to God, whoever is ring me at 2 in the morning better have a good reason for me answering this," I mutter to myself as I fumbled to grab my phone without opening my eyes.

Once I grab my phone I open my eyes to see I have 3 missed calls from Alex in the last 5 mins. It's obviously important but my eyes can't help but start to close, only to be startled awake when it starts to ring again. 

"It's 2 in the morning Alex," I say closing my eyes and laying my head back on the pillow.

"I know but this is important," she rushes. Her voice is full of excitement and I know she is pacing up and down her room.

"What is it?" I laugh at her excitement.

"They liked our post!" She hushly squeal.

"Who liked our post Alex? We get loads of likes on some of our posts," I say rolling my eyes even though she can't see me.

"OA! Well Sean and Charlie but still. OA HAVE LIKED OUR POST!" She screams and I feel my heart stop. Not only has someone from OA liked our post but it Sean and Charlie. I let out a squeal in excitement and jump up from my bed, throwing my phone onto the bed and jumping around like a mad thing. I run over and turn the phone onto speaker before going back and jumping around. I can tell that Alex is doing the same thing.

Before I can begin to process what has happened I hear my dad cough at my door in an attempt to get me attention.

"I can explain," I say with a small smile.

"It's 2 in the morning, Maddie. You better have some earth-shattering news for this to be okay," my dad says sternly.

"OA like Best After AM's tweet," I say kinda sheepishly as I know he won't be as excited as I am.

"That's the band you really like, isn't it?" He asks really calmly, which I wasn't expecting. I was expecting him to get angry or something.


"Okay. But next time try not to wake the whole house," he says before leaving and I go back and pick my phone up.

"You dad just came in, didn't he?" Alex asks.

"Yeah," I giggle.

"Same," Alex starts to giggle.

"I can't believe this. I mean we're not even that big. What tweet is it?" I say controlling my laughter.

"The one we put up about song prank on Jasper that we used The Tides' lyrics too," she laughs.

"I can't believe this. It's got to be the best Christmas present ever," I say collapsing on to my bed.

"I know. It's like I'm having some amazing dream and I'll wake up later and none of it will be really but it is," she squeals.


Most of my chapters will be around 500-800 words but I will be having some longer chapters further into the book so don't worry. Xx

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