Chapter Thirty-Three

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I stand near the back of the large group of girls with Alex and Ella. I want to try and enjoy myself but I'm really struggling. I knew that Charlie was going to be upset when I told him but this isn't how I'd imagined it going. I thought that I would tell him when we were just the two of us and I could explain it all but now I'm going to have to try and fix all of this before he goes on tour.
"Hey. You're Alex and Maddie right?" A girl the same height as me says. Her long black hair goes straight down her back and I can see that she's got a drink in her hand.
"Yeah we are," Alex says as if it's the most obvious thing.
"Cool. It's really nice to meet you even if I'm so jealous. I'm a Charlie girl," she says with a big smile but all I can muster is a weak one.
"Hey let me buy you guys a drink," she say but before any of us can say anything she's disappeared to the bar.

"Are you okay Maddie? " Ella asks as she notices my quietness.

"Charlie found out," I tell them as I play with the heart necklace that my parents got me for Christmas.

"How?" Alex asks placing a hand on my arm.

"He heard Julie and I talking about it," I say wiping a stray tear. "So I had to tell him about how I didn't tell him and he said that he need some time."

"That's the biggest bit of bullshit," Alex says a bit to loudly as we get a few girls around us to turn and sent us a funny look.

"Alex keep your voice down," Ella hisses.

"It is though. She's the one that has had to go through it and he's throwing a hissy fit because she didn't tell him when he was halfway across the world," she huffs.

"Yeah, but Alex, I could have told him during the two weeks that he's been back," I explain as the girl and her friend come back and hand us a drink each.

"It's a double shot of vodka. I thought you could us it," she says sending me a smile.

"You are so right," I say taking a large sip of the drink, letting the slight burn of the alcohol take control of the emotions that are trying to take over me.

"Oh my god!" the girl squeals to close to my ear. "I love your phone case," she says taking my phone out of my hand to look at the pink unicorn case.

"Thanks. Charlie got it for me in LA," I say with a small laugh as I think to when he gave it to me and he called me his little unicorn. I remember joking that I was going to dye my hair so I had unicorn hair.

"It's adorable. Can I ask for a selfie together?" She says handing me back my phone.

"Yeah sure," I say as we all get into position.

"Do you mind if I post this and tag you in it?" She asks once we've got a perfect photo.

"Sure. What's you twitter name? I'll follow you," I tell her. "And Alex will too," I say getting a side glare from Alex but she knows that the more followers we have the bigger following we have on our YouTube channel and for the boys.

"Wow thanks," She says giving us her twitter name.


Around 4 double vodka's and cokes later the boys come onto stage and the control of my body starts to disappear.

"We love you Charlie," Lou (the girl we meet who's buy the drinks) and I call out before bursting into giggles. Charlie looks over in our direction, furring his eyebrows as he hears my voice. He turns to Trev on his left and says something in his ear.

"You're drunk," Alex says to me.

"I'm not drunk. I'm in between the stage of tipsy and drunk enough to not have control of the words coming out of my mouth," I smile innocently at her as the boys start playing.

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