Chapter Twenty-Two

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Boxing Day
I wake up just after 10. I had until 12 when the Jones would arrive to get ready. My out was simple. Black high-waisted jeans, a black lace vest top with a grey baggy skew collar top and trainers.
I say in the front of the mirror staring at myself. The last week has been soup and down I don't know how I've made it through. Since the photos were released I've had a lot of back lash. Most are Charlie girls. I've also had a lot of nice comments as well, mainly from all 5 of the boys and Ella and Alex retweeting my tweet.
My normal bright grey eyes with their blue tint are missing some of their glimmer from the lack of sleep I've been getting, which has left me with bags under my eyes. My skin is patchy and I just feel rubbish in general. I'm hating this. I love being with Charlie but the constant attack on twitter is driving me round the bend.
I pull my auburn hair into a messy bun, my fringe staying out, before grabbing a small box out of my draw.
I grab my long back and white plaid coat and place the box in the pocket as the door bell rings. I head down stairs to where I see my parents greeting Julie and Rik. Behind them Charlie stands a little awkward and nervous, probably from meeting my family for the first time.
"Move," my little sister, Melissa, says trying to push past me as I realise that I had stopped halfway down the stairs. I roll my eyes as I head down the rest of them but my impatience 13 year old sister pushes her past me on the second to last step causing me to trip down the last few steps and falling into Charlie.
"Melissa," I complain as I stand up on my own.
"Sorry not sorry," she says from the kitchen.
"Sorry," I say to Charlie as I place a kiss on his cheek.
"It's okay," I chuckles.
"Are we ready to go then?" My Mam asks.
"Yeah. I'm going to go with Charlie and his parents," I tell her as we all head out the door and jump into the two cars.
We soon arrive by the woods. Both cars park up next to the pub before regathering as a group.
"You never told me you had a little sister," Charlie says as we stand at the back of the group.
"Oh. I thought I had," I furry my eyebrows together.
"Actually, I don't think we know loads about each other," he says.
"You're right," I say thinking about how little I really know about Charlie.
"Tell me something about your self that you've never told anyone else," he says.
"Okay. I prefer to go barefoot when I'm outside. Like in the spring when the grass is really fresh," I smile.
"That's so cute," he says pulling me into his side.
"What about you? Tell me something about you."
"Um. I have a dog called Chester," he says thinking.
"I know that. So does anyone who likes OA," I laugh.
"Alright then. When I was younger I had this stuffed dog teddy bear that I loved but I lost when I was 10," he says.
"Aww. That's adorable," I say as we reach the woods.
"Don't tell anyone. You'd ruin my rep."
"You don't want people to know what a softie you really are," I say in a babyish voice before laughing.
"You are literally the definition of childish," he laughs.
"Yeah. But that's why you love me," I giggle as I stick my tongue out at him.
"True," he says wrapping his arms around my waist as we walk down a narrow path. His hands travel up from my waist to cover my eyes.
"Charlie. I can't see," I say as he laughs.
"That's the point," he says as I trip over a root.
"I swear to god, Charlie Jones, if I fall over I will end you," I say trying to be serious but laughing.
"Alright, alright. Don't twist my arm," he laughs as he removes his hands as I walk straight into a fence.
"You are so dead," I say, turning round to look at him wide eyed. He smirks before running off towards the group. I take after him but my little legs struggle to keep up. He quickly over takes the group and I follow doing the same.
"Catch me if you can?" Charlie shouts looking back at me.
"Shut up Jones," I shout at him as I hear out parents laughing at us behind.
I reach the small wooden bridge over the stream where Charlie has stopped.
"You're an ass. You know that right?" I puff as he pulls me into him. He leans his head down to mine, our foreheads resting on each other's. Both of us out of breath.
"I love you Mads," he says before placing a kiss on my lips.
"I love you too Charlie," I smile. He takes my hand as we start to walk on.
"Maddie. I have something," he says very seriously.
"What?" I ask a little scared.
"I'm going to LA," he says.
"Okay," I say knowing he's got more.
"I'll be away until the show in Milton Keynes."
"I guess I'll just have to get my Charlie fix until you leave then," I smile.
"You're taking this really well," he raises an eyebrow.
"I'm upset. I'll admit it. You'll be on the other side of the world pretty much. But what can I do. If I get annoyed at you I'll miss even more time that I could be spending with you. And I would be a really bad girlfriend if I stopped you from going," I tell him as he pulls me into a hug.
"I love you so much. You are truly amazing," I kisses the top of my head.
"I am aren't I," I laugh causing him to laugh as well.
"Maddie. I know we said no gifts but I've got you a present," Charlie says handing me a silver bag out of the back of his car.
Inside was a matching set of coral Calvin Klein underwear. A smirk sits across Charlie's face as a smile takes over mine.
"Did Alex help you?" I smile looking up at him as my cheeks heat up.
"She might have said you girls were looking at them," he says.
"I might have to keep these until you come back from LA," I smile. "I also got you something. It's only small but..." I say getting out the small box out of my pocket.
He takes the box and opens it. Inside sits a small black pick.
'Always keep on playing. M xx' is written on it in silver.
"It's beautiful," he smiles, pulling me in for a kiss.

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