Chapter Sixteen

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"Go that way," I say as we get of the train.
"Babes, calm down. We're not even off the train yet," Charlie laughs.
"I know but we got, wait, what did you call me?" I ask.
"Babes," he chuckles. "Do you not like that?"
"No, I mean yes. I mean I like it," I stutter, really being thrown off by what he has just called me.
"Come on," he chuckles pulling me into his side. "Which way?"
"That way," I say pointing him toward the exit.
"So I guess we don't need to go anywhere by tube so it has to be close," he says.
"No. I just don't do tubes," I say as we get outside to where Charlie's first surprise was. "I do however take limos," I chuckle as his face changes when he sees the limo parked outside the station.
"That's for us?" He asks in shock.
"Yep," I say adding the 'p' on the end.
"You're really setting the bar high on dates," he laughs as we head towards the limo.
"No, just the special ones," I laugh too.
"So can you tell me where we're going?" He asks as we sit in the back of the limo.
"Guess," I tease.
"Probably something to do with food?" He states and asks.
"Of course," I laugh putting a chocolate in my mouth from the box of chocolates supplied by the limo company.
"And it has to be somewhere quite fancy?"
"If you get this I will be amazed," I laugh.
"That's not fair at all," he says causing me to laugh more.
"It is. I've book a lovely place for us to have dinner, and that is all you are going to get," I smile eating another chocolate.
"Here we are," I say getting out the limo. In front of us was a modern building with planted bushes leading to the entrance.
"I've never heard of this place," Charlie says a confused look on his face.
"I haven't either. Luke told me about it," I say as we start to walk in.
"Do you have a reservation?" The waiter at the door asks once we've stepped inside.
"Yes under the name Jones," I say as I take off my coat.
"Right this way Miss," he says, gesturing for us to follow him.
"You put it under my name?" Charlie asks in a low voice to me.
"Yeah, well Luke booked it for me and he hates my surname so used your," I chuckle.
"This is your table Miss. I'll bring over the menus," the waiter says.
"Thank you," I say sitting down in the chair that he had pulled out for me.
"It's so fancy," Charlie chuckles as we look at the drinks menu.
"I know. I feel so common," I giggle. "Do you want to get a bottle of something?" I ask.
"We're under age," he says looking up at me from the drinks menu.
"I have ID," I smirk.
"Why do you have a fake ID?"
"I have a lot of older friends and I need one to stay in the hotel in February for Milton Keynes," I say looking over the menu.
"You're coming to the Milton Keynes gig in February?" He asks a bit shocked.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I chuckle.
"I don't know. I just thought you would be coming with me," he says as the waiter comes back over.
"I'm sorry to intrude Miss, but the man over there has asked for this to be sent over," the waiter plays placing a porn star martini in front of me. I turn around to see who he's talking about and I catch the eye of the last person I want to see on my boyfriend's birthday, Jack.
"Thank you," I slowly say to the waiter before looking a Charlie.
"Isn't that your ex?" Charlie asks.
"Yeah. How do you know that?"  I ask furring my eyebrows. I know that I didn't tell him because it's so embarrassing.
"Alex told me, while threatening me. She also showed me a photo," he explains.
"Okay," I say unable to get rid of the feeling that he's watching me.
"It's kinda sick that he's sent your favourite drink over while you're here with me," he says. 
"It's the fact that he's here," I breathe feeling my anxiety starting to play up.
"Do you want to leave?" Charlie says taking my hand over the table.
"But it's your birthday," I say my heart rate going through the roof.
"Look at me," he says as my eyes dart around the room unable to focus on anything else but the feeling that I'm being watched.
"Maddie look at me," he repeats making me look at him. "I want to spend my birthday with you and no one else. I don't care if we are in some really fancy restaurant or if we order pizza to the house  I just want to spend the night with you," his words calming me down.
"I know of a Nando's round here," I chuckle while letting out a breathe.
"Okay then," Charlie says calling over the waiter while it letting go of my hand.
"May I help you sir," the waiter asks.
"Yeah. Can we get our coats please?" He asks.
"May I ask why sir?"
"This place just isn't right for us," he says.
"I'all be back in a moment sir," the waiter says disappearing again.
"I'm sorry I don't know why he's here," I say getting up from the table.
"It's okay," Charlie says taking my head again and walking me over towards the door.
"Here's your coats," the waiter says passing us our coats.
"Thank you," I say putting the coat on. I turn around to have one last glance at Jack who is still staring at us. I quickly turn back around and catch Charlie giving the waiter a £10 note before walking over to me and taking my hand, leading me out the door and down the street.

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