Chapter Twelve

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We've been siting in the hospital for the last hour waiting to be seen.
"This is the reason I hate the NHS. I spent most of my November sitting in rooms waiting to be seen," I complain as I go through my social media look at everyone that has now started following me because I'm with Charlie.
"Why were you in here in November?" Charlie asks.
"I had a knee injury at the beginning of this year and got the all clear in November but had to do loads of tests and paper work," I reply as I finally finish with social media.
"Do you enjoy getting injured or something?" He chuckles.
"Shut up. I would have been fine if I hadn't ran into you," I chuckle too.
"So do you wish you hadn't?"
"If I hadn't I wouldn't be here. But I wouldn't be here with you," I smile.
"Good answer," he says, smirking.
"You're such an asshole," I laugh, playfully pushing him.
"Ms Madison Hollens," the doctor calls. Charlie helps me get up and we walk (me limping) over to her.
"So what's the problem?" She asks once we're in her room.
"I was running yesterday and fell over and now I can't put pressure on my right ankle," I explain.
"Okay, well if we have a look at it then I'll send you to x-ray and we'll go from there," she explains.
3 hours later and we get called back into the doctor's room.
"Okay it doesn't look like it's anything serious. It looks like it's a small sprain. There's nothing we can really do apart from ..."
"R.I.C.E," I finish for her. "I had the same thing in my knee," I explain.
"So you know everything we can do. I can prescribe you anti inflammatories but otherwise it's just R.I.C.E," she says.
"So how long do you think it will take to recover," Charlie asks.
"No more then a month," she says.
"So, there's a chance I'm not going to be able to wear hells for New Years?" I ask not wanting to have to change my outfit.
"There's a chance. Go to the physio on the Wednesday before to check if it's okay or not but from what I gathered it's not that bad and you should be okay by next week," she answers.
"Okay. Thank you," I say as she writes the prescription.
"I also want you to have crutches until it's better," she said handing me the prescription. "I'll go get them for you."
"Great. I spent 6 months without crutches when my sprain in my knee was a 4 months recovery and now it's a 4 week recovery and I do," I moan to Charlie once the doctor had left.
"It's not too bad. You'll be off then for our headline in Milton Keynes," he says trying to make me feel better.
"True but I have parties before the end of the year," I say.
"Just rest it and you'll be fine by New Years," he says taking my head and kissing it.

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