Chapter Nine

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"Rest your weight on me or you're going to do yourself more damage," Charlie says as I try to stand up.
"That's a little hard when you're taller than me. My arm is above my head just so I can hold on to you," I point out, grabbing ahold of the arm of the sofa so I don't fall over.
"You're so stubborn," he laughs wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close to him.
"I'm not stubborn. I just have this thing called sense," I say, the left corner of my mouth tugging into a smirk.
"Alright then. How do you think we should get you to the table?" He laughs.
"If I just reposition my arm like this," I say moving my arm so I'm holding onto his right shoulder so my arm is reaching across his back. "Then I can move closer, becoming more stable. Then leaving you hand around my waist," I say now standing up perfectly without pressure on my ankle.
"Alright then. Table bound," he says making me shake my head and laugh at him.
"So dear. Tell me. What are you doing at the moment? Are you in school?" Mrs jones asks me as we start to eat the Shepard's pie in front of us.
"I'm in sixth form," I say.
"So you're doing A-Levels. You see Charlie's never really told us about things like this. It's funny that you've been dating for about 2 months and we don't really know anything about you. What A-levels are you taking?" she says causing me to going into a mental block. Charlie told his parents that we've been dating for 2 months. We weren't even talking then.
I glance to Charlie who is looking rather nervous now before looking back at his Mam.
"I'm taking Photography, English Literature and English Language," I say before taking a sip of water to stop myself from starting something with Charlie right now. I'll just have to talk to him after.
"They're not easy subjects. What do you want to do after sixth form?" She asks continuing the conversation.
"Something to do with writing. Either music or fiction. Or I wouldn't mind going into something to do with photography. Maybe uni and getting a degree. I'm not too sure at the moment really."
"You've got yourself a clever one there my son," Mr Jones says to Charlie, causing Charlie and I to laugh.
"You must stay tonight, Maddie. I want to get to know you better," Mrs Jones says.
"I would love to but I've got school tomorrow," I say not wanting to be burdened.
"Don't you have a free first though?" Charlie says.
"Yeah I do," I say.
"Then you can stay. We can drop you off at your school tomorrow if you want," she say.
"That's perfectly alright. I don't live around here. I live in Bromley and my schools there. So you really don't have to drive me. I can get the bus. To Bromley. It's easier," I say.
"If you're sure sweetie. Charlie will go with you just to make sure you get there safely and don't put so much pressure on your ankle."
"Thank you," I smile as she starts to clear plates up.
This chapter doesn't have much in. I just wanted to show the start of the relationship and meeting the family. Xx

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