Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The flight back to England was an odd one to say the least. Everyone had found out about what had happened between Sean and I. I told the girls obviously and Sean told the boys and through the awkwardness following, Gabe's parents and Julie had all found out too.
"What are you think?" Maddie asked me, placing her magazine down.
"Have I screwed things up with Sean?" I ask her.
"No. Not at all. You both need time. Just focus on you fashion show now. It's in a few weeks and then everything will be so much clearer," Ella says as Maddie nods in agreement.
"Yeah. My fashion show," I say more to myself than anyone.
The day of the fashion show
"Daniel, Aaron, Louis, James and Bradley are with Alexia," said my tutor as 5 very attractive guys head over to me.
"Hey," I smile as I grab out a one of my outfits.
"Daniel, you're going to be wearing the coat," I say handing him the 3 stone coat made of zip ties.
"Aaron," I say looking at the tall model with the chocolate brown hair. His sapphire eyes showing a mixture of curiously and mystery. A small smirk dancing along his lips and his eyebrows slightly furrowed as they watch my every move.
"Yes?" His voice smokey and feels my ears, making me tingle.
"The trousers and the throw," I say handing him the zip tie covered trousers and the plastic knitted throw. He takes them with a wink. Was that my imagination or did he really just wink at me?
A chorus of well done rings out as I walk out into the after party. 
"Here," Aaron says handing me a glass of beer. I take the glass and drink the beer even though I'm not a fan of it really. But I cannot say no. A beautiful guy has just bought me a drink.
"So. I was wonder if I could take you out next weekend. I know London pretty well and I would love to show you some little places that no-one else has been," his smile was sweet and genuine.
"Yeah sure. How about next Sunday? I work Saturdays but I'm free on the Sunday," I smile back as he takes my hand in his. Slowing rubbing his thumb over it.
"Perfect," is all he says before we get interrupted by my mentor.
"Hey Maddie," I smile as my best friend answers the door to my other best friend and I.
"Hey Alex. Hey James," she weakly smiles as she lets us in. She wrapped up in a blanket with her hair scraped back and looking like hell.
"What's wrong Hun? You look terrible," I say with concern as we head into the living room.
"Just been really sick lately. And the horrible thing is silly little things are setting me off. Like this morning I had a ham sandwich and just the smell made me throw up. It was horrible," she says as she curls up into a ball.
"You might want to go see a doctor," James suggest. "Do you want a glass of water?" He asks as the two of us nod. He heads out of the living room and into the kitchen to get some water.
"Are you sure you're okay enough to help me later," I ask her not wanting to put to much pressure on her.
"Yeah. It normally goes in the afternoon. That's why it's doing my head in. And anyway. I can't miss my best friend getting ready for her amazing model," she smiles.
"Well you better get better soon. Charlie's home today. I know he wants to see you but I told him to come round tomorrow as you'll have the whole day together," I tell her.
"I hope so," she says with a week smile as James comes back in with the water, sitting next to her, with some distance, as they both look at me.
"What?" I ask.
"Look at our girl all grown up," James says to Maddie.
"I know. Brings a tear to my eye," Maddie fakes wiping a tear away.
"Now what for you to wear later," she smirks.
I walk into the hotel lobby that Aaron told me to meet him in. Spotting him instantly was easy. He was so handsome and with a pair of black skinny jeans and pole shirt he looked smart without looking over dressed.
"You look stunning," he says kissing my cheek making me blush and subconsciously pulling my shirt dress down a bit more.
"You're not to bad yourself," I smile.
"There's this little place I know off the corner that is lovey. I've booked us a table," Aaron says holding his arm out for me to take.
The restaurant is small. Around 15 tables. But absolutely stunning. We're about to start dessert when my worst nightmare starts to happen. Walking into the restaurant was Gabe, Trevor and Sean. I do my best to try to not get recognised but as Sean scans the room his eyes land on me. They move from me to Aaron then back to me in horror and anger. Before I can grasp what is happening he's stormed over towards me.
"What do you think your doing?" He demands.
"I think I'm on a date," I say emphasising the 'I's.
"You move on quickly," he spits which is when Aaron stands up and my inner bitch groans.
"I think you should leave now before I make you," Aaron says, he's body towering over Sean's small height.
"I think we should make Alex decide who she really wants to be with," Sean says sending his attention to me. Shit shit shit.
"Um... well..." I stutter

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