Chapter Nineteen

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Maddie's POV
"So, Mads, did you guys have birthday sex?" My friend James asks as we stand in a huddle while we smoke.
"No. We haven't done it yet actually," I say passing my fag back to Robin because I didn't want a full one as I haven't told Charlie I smoke yet. Though I am stopping after the New Years.
"Your choice?" Anna asks.
"Yeah. After everything with Jack I feel really vulnerable. I'm scared he's going to sleep with me a then dump me," I vent.
"But Charlie isn't Jack. You've said it so yourself," James points out.
"I know. It was seeing him last night and then when I got in this morning. It's mad me feel really scared about my relationship again," I say as my eyes fill with tears.
"Don't cry. Charlie is nothing like Jack. I did my sloughing on Charlie and I promise you he isn't like Jack," Robin says pulling me into a hug along with the others.
"Thanks guys. I really appreciate it," I sigh as we let go of each other.
"Shall we go back in?" James asks as I take the last puff of our cigarette.
"Yeah. My toes are frozen," Robin say as we start heading from the field opposite the school back to the warm buildings.
"Maddie!" Sarah calls as she runs through the crowd of sixth formers to us.
"What Sarah?" I laugh as she almost runs into me.
"Have you seen the post on twitter?" She asks panicked.
"No," I say wided eyed.
"Um," she says getting her phone and showing me the picture. Or should I say pictures. There were 3 photos. One of me standing in the group just talking. One of me crying as the guys hug me and one of me smoking.
"Shit shit shit shit," I say covering my face with my hand and I feel my phone buzz. Surely enough it's the last person that I want to talk to but I know I need to answer it.
I answer the phone looking over to the guys, getting a supporting smiles off them all.
"Hi," I say weakly.
"Hey. I've just seen these photos of you. Are they from today?" Charlie asks and I can hear the hurt in his voice.
"Yeah," my eyes filling with tears.
"I don't know where to start. Is it my fault?" He asks.
"The crying?"
"No. It's not your fault. It was Jack's," I tell him as a tear falls.
"What did he do? Did he hurt you? Did he say anything to you?" Charlie says getting angry.
"It was about last night and I just got kind of emotional," I sniffle.
"I'm sorry," he says. His voice still raw with emotion.
"For what? His actions are nothing for you to be sorry about."
"But if you weren't dating me you wouldn't be getting theses problems. He wouldn't be acting like this. You wouldn't have those photos of you on twitter."
"He would be worse. Trust me I know. I don't care about the photos. I don't care if they make me out to be a monster. As long as you don't think I am," I say, choking on my tears.
All of a sudden my phone is taken out of my hand and I spin around to see the last person I want to see.
"She is better with me then she ever will be with you," Jack says into it before hanging up.
"What the hell Jack?" I shout as everyone's attention turns to us.
"It's true though," he smirks.
"No it's not. Charlie is ten times the man you are. You're a lying, cheating, horrific excuse of a man," I cry as a sharp pain hits my face along with a lot of gasps from the crowd around us.
Robin and Anna come over to me and pull me away from Jack.
Sarah's POV
"Do you think she's okay?" I ask Anna as we watch Maddie talking on the phone.
"I don't know. But I know this isn't going to be," she tells me as Jack walks over to her, taking her phone before speaking to Charlie. He then hangs up.
"What the hell Jack?" She shouts, getting everyone's attention.
"We should..." I begin to move towards her.
"Yeah we should," Robin says as we all inch our way towards her.
"No it's not. Charlie is ten times the man you are. You're a lying, cheating, horrific excuse of a man," she shouts before Jack slaps her round the face.
Robin and Anna rush over to her, dragging her away from him and probably to the toilets as James and I walk over to Jack.
"You horrible person," I spit at him.
"Don't ever come near her again," James says before we turn around to follow the others
New people and a different POV.
Going to the hotel I'm staying in this weekend tomorrow. Can't wait to see the boys again.
With love,
M. Xx

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