Chapter Twenty-Seven

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My eyes flutter open. A heavy arm rest over my waist and my legs are entangled with him. Memories of last flood my mind and I just smile. Last night was my first time and it could have gone better. He was so gentle, so loving. I truly love this boy with all my heart.
I turn around to look at his perfect face. It's so peaceful. His hair is scruffy but it makes him look angelic. I'm so happy he's back, that he's in my life.
My stomach lets out a growl but luckily Charlie doesn't wake up. As gently as I can do I don't wake him, I untangle myself from him and get up. I walk over towards the bag of clothes I dropped off at the weekend and pull out my school leavers jumper and a pair of jogging bottoms. Changing quietly I then head down stairs, trying my best not to wake anyone but when I enter the kitchen I find I'm not the only one awake. Julie and Alex are sitting at the kitchen table talking. They look up  at me as I walk in and both give me a devilish smile as I go over to grab a glass of water.
"Do you want anything to eat dear?" Julie asks me as I take a seat.
"I'm alright thanks," I say rising an eyebrow at them as they still look at me the same.
"Did you have fun last night?" Alex asks trying to hold back her laughter.
"What?" I smile, furring my eyebrows.
"Let's just say I'm happy I'm not staying the whole week if you're going to make the same amount of noice as last night," she smiles at Julie, causing me to chock on my water and my cheeks to heat up.
"That isn't really true. They weren't that loud. I don't think the boys downstairs heard," Julie laughs as I feel the embarrassment take over me.
"Oh God," I say binding my face in my hands, before joining the other two in laughing.
"What's going on in here?" A croaky Sean says as he enters the kitchen.
Alex's POV
Our laughter is interrupted by Sean. His hair was all stuffy and he had no shirt on. He couldn't look any less of a God.
"We're just talking about my son's late night activities," Julie laughs as I force myself to close my mouth.
"Ah. Yeah a lot of noice was coming from up stairs," he laughs looking at Mads as he makes himself a coffee. Maddie is now a deep scarlet colour with all the talk.
"You heard it too? I told you they were loud," I laugh pointing the last part at Julie.
"Oh yeah. And let's just say that when Charlie gets down here we're going to take the piss out of him," he laughs taking a seat opposite me.
"Don't you dare," Maddie says giving him her look. I've seen horses listen to her just from that look and I know that Sean is feeling the glare.
"What time were you meant to have left for school?" Julie asks us.
"Around 3 hours ago," I laugh.
"Wait, what?" Maddie says as she realises it's gone 10.
"They are going to love you tomorrow," I laugh at her.
"I'm anything but their favourite student," she says looking at me.

"Should we get the boys up after we've made breakfast?" Julie asks as she stands up.

"Should we?" I smirk at Maddie as she understands what I mean.

"I want to say no but I really want to see this," she laughs at the thought.

"What are you two talking about?" Sean asks, raising his eyebrows at our smirks.

"Last November Alex sent this tweet," Maddie starts.

"Blake had asked how to wake up the boys and I said to get a bucket of water," I laugh as he gets what I'm saying.

"Can I suggest something better?" he says with a smirk.

"Go on," I push.

"Well, we wake up the boys next door and then all of us wake up Charlie," he says causing us to laugh.

"If we're going to do this, it all needs to be recorded," Maddie laughs.

"You guys," Julie laughs.


We all stand around Charlie's bed. We'd woken up the other boys and now we were about to wake Charlie up. Maddie is standing next to me and I know that she is trying not to laugh. Julie is standing by the door videoing us.

"1,2,3," I whisper as we all pour our the water over Charlie causing him to wake up with a start.

"What the hell?!" Charlie says as we all start laughing and Maddie collapses into a fit of laughter, pulling me down with her.

"Good morning, Mr late night action," Sean says causing Maddie and I to laugh even more. Charlie leans over the edge of the bed looking at Maddie.

"You told him?" He raises an eyebrow.

"No, no. And them. They all heard up last night," Maddie says through laughs.

"Yeah. I'm happy that I'm not staying here for the next week," Julie laughs as she walks away from the room.

"We might have to get some ear plugs," Gabe laughs as he, Liam and Trevor leave the room as well, with Sean, Maddie and I still laughing our selves to death.

"Right. Food," I say as Sean gives me a hand up.

"Get up Charlie," Maddie smiles before he leans down a kisses her on the lips.

"God, get a room you two," I say with a chuckle from Sean.

"We're in our room," Charlie says as he grabs a pillow and throws it at us, shooing us out of the room.

"Someone's cranky," Sean laughs as we leave the room.

"You would think he was rudely awaken or something," I laugh as the videos Julie has taken come through.

"I know right," Sean laughs.

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