Chapter Thirty

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Alex's POV
I truly love gigs. The music that follows through you and connects your heart to the beat. The atmosphere that welcomes everyone. We all become equal at gigs. And know that's what Maddie wants anyway. She wants to be a fan right at this moment. Not Charlie's girlfriend. So many people are talking about her and I know that's effecting her.
I turn around to look at Maddie who is looking around at people as she beards her name.
"Don't listen to them," I say placing a hand on her shoulder so her attention comes to us.
"It's hard. There's a lot of hate. I heard someone say that it was selfish of me to have a ticket," she says as she turns to the small group we had created.
"You're not. You, I bought the tickets before you two were together," I tell her as a large cheer erupts from the crowd around us.
We turn towards the stage as the boys come out with a cloud from the smoke machine they've got. That's such a bad idea.
As Sean comes out I see him slightly fall over a wire but carries on as if nothing's happened. I hear Maddie let out a little chuckle and I know she saw it too. I flicker my view to Maddie then back to Sean were I catch his eye. We both stay locked in each other's eyes before Charlie nudges Sean so that he knows they want to start playing. I small smile takes over my lips at the blush that spreads across Sean's face and I'm sure mine as well.
Three song into their set the boys start to play Mr. Brightside and Ella, Maddie and I all start dancing along.
"It was only a kiss. It was only a kiss," we sing/shout (as you normally do a gigs) to each other before laughing.
I jump around with the girls getting stares from fans who don't like the fact we are having a good time. The simple structure of one verse one chorus makes it easy for us to sing along and not sound like idiots.
Around the last last verse Sean starts to walk towards the crowd. All of a sudden he's holding the mic out for me to sing with. I'm taken aback in shock even though Sean and I have eye contact. Maddie nudges me discreetly and nods towards the mic as I glance at her. I take the mic as they start to sing the chorus but the words in my mind run as the verse so I start singing them. After a few lines I hand the mic back to Sean still smiling and I see Maddie smiling at him before smiling at me.
Did that really just happen?
The room starts to empty out as Maddie pulls Ella and I towards the room where the body's disappeared to.
"Can I see some ID please,miss?" A stick up worker says not believe that Maddie's Maddie. She hands the girl her ID before the girl glares at her.
"Someone's jealous," I whisper to Ella next to us making her giggle lightly.
"Okay," the girl huffs and let's us head towards the room the boys had gone it.
Once Maddie enters the room Charlie engulfs her in a hug and she lets out a squeal.
"You're all sweaty," she complains to him.
"You didn't mind that the other day," he smirks making a few of us laugh. Ella and I walk over to one of the two sofas the boys had in here and sat down.
"Charlie," she gasps as she playfully hits him on the chest.
"Really you two? It's sickening," I say rolling my eyes. "And Charlie. Hugging your girlfriend covered in sweat is disgusting," I say turning up my nose as I start to look through the few photos I took.
"Hey. I'm just going to grab a CD off Fraser. I love his music," Maddie says ducking outside. I look up as she leaves but my view is soon obstructed by 5 very sweaty boys who all engulf me in a hug on the sofa, covering me in their sweat.
"Oh my God! Get off me!" I scream. "You're all so immature!"
"Boys!" Maddie says entering the room again causing them to all stop.
I look over at my best friend as she pushes a bit of her long auburn hair off her shoulder but also giving the boys on of her raised eyebrows glares where she tilts her head down that is normally reserved for me and the younger girls.
They all back away from me making a space available for her to sit down.
"Hey Sean. I hear you're off for a few days," Maddie says giving me a side glance.
"Yeah. I'm heading home for 2 days. You know to catch up with people," he says as he packs up his guitar.
"That will be fun. Are you heading back to see a girlfriend?" She says as I shot her a glare and I see Charlie send her a confused look but she keeps her eyes on Sean who gives off a small laugh.
"No. No girlfriend. I have girls who are friends but nothing like you and Charlie," he says.
"Not many people have what those two have. It's all soppy and yuck," I say making Maddie chuckle quietly.
"It's called not seeing each other in 10 weeks," she laughs.
"Sure. What ever you say," I roll my eyes.
"So Sean. Why no girlfriend?" She directs the conversation back to Sean.
"I guess I haven't met someone who I want to have a relationship with yet," he says glancing my way briefly in hope that no one sees him but both Maddie and I do. I know what she's trying to do but there is no way she pushing this to happen.
"Gabe, you're heading to Sweden for a bit as well?" I say changing the subject.
"Yeah. For a few days but I'll be back before the 12th," he answers and their tour manager comes in.
"Are you boys ready to go?" He asks.
"Yeah," Trevor says.
"Do you girls want a lift?" Charlie asks.
"No you're alright babe. We're going to get the bus while try not to get killed by the fans," Maddie chuckles before I get to say yes.
"Alright then. Shall we escape altogether then," Liam says and I notice him looking over at Ella.
"Yeah. Let's go," I say, a small smile playing on my lips.

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