Chapter Fifteen

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"You are going to take his breath away," Ella says as I show them the finished look.
My dress fits perfectly and I can walk in my peep toe black heels which makes me so happy.
"I love your snowflake necklace. It really matches the rhinestones on the shoes," Ella says.
"Thank you. I better go or I won't get there leaving now. xx time. Love you two," I say going to close the chat.
"Love you too. Have fun," Ella and Alex reply and I close the chat.
I grab my caramel winter coat and my black clutch before walking down stairs.
"You look stunning," my Mam says as she grabs the car keys.
"Can I drive?" I ask picking up my larger bag that has my clothes and stuff for tomorrow.
"What do you think?" She asks knowing that I haven't done much driving but want to start doing more since I passed my theory last week.
"Yes?" I try saying.
"Get in the car," she laughs.
"All night, no sleep," Milly, my little sister, my Mam and I sing at the top of our lungs as we enter Charlie's street.
"Such a beautiful voice," my Mam laughs at the end of the song.
"I'm surprised he's not death," Milly laughs.
"Shut up you two. My voice is amazing," I laugh with them.
"You ready?" Mam asks me as we pull up outside Charlie's house.
"Yeah. So I look okay?" I ask running my fingers through my hair.
"Stunning. Have fun and I'll see you tomorrow," she says kissing me on the cheek.
"Love you Mam. See you two tomorrow," I say getting out the car with all my bags.
I walk up to the door before taking a deep breath. I really hope he likes what I'm wearing.
I knock on the door and he opens it a few moments later.
He's dressed in a black suit with an open neck white shirt.
"Wow. You look absolutely stunning," he says.
"Thank you. You look handsome," I say stepping in a giving him a peck on the lips.
"Let me take your bag and then we can head off," he says taking my larger bag from me.
"Thanks but you shouldn't be waiting on me, it's your birthday," I smile.
"But you're injured," he says.
"Not anymore. Got the all clear today," I smile as Charlie hugs me before kissing me again.
"Lets go," Charlie says once our kiss has ended.
"We're getting a lift to the station, right? I'm not walking to the station in theses heels," I ask.
"Of course. My dad is in the car," he chuckles.
"Okay, we are getting the train to Charing Cross," I say looking up the directions Luke had given me.
Luke and I had planned the whole thing about a week ago. He had got the table book through his cousin who works at The Ledbury and a little surprise for getting there is due to his brother. I can't wait to see Charlie's face.
"You've really planned out the whole evening, haven't you?" He chuckles.
"Yes I have. I'm a good organiser, main reason I want to go into PR," I smile.
"I can see. I might have to talk to some people," he smiles too.
"Don't. I want to make it on my own not cause my boyfriend can pull a few strings," I say furring my eyebrows.
"Okay. So where are we going?" He asks.
"Somewhere I'm not telling you," I smile.
"But everyone else knows," he complains.
"No they don't. Just your parents, mine, Alex and Ella and a few other people," I giggle.

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