Chapter Four

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December 14th 2:00pm
Maddie's POV
I sit in front of the computer, aimlessly staring at my photography PowerPoint in front of me. I know I really should be doing work but I just can't get the muse. My music is playing through my ears phone from my phone and I know I'm tapping my feet to the beat cause I keep getting angry glances from people around me.
My phone beeping with a message pulls me away from my screen. It's probably my group chat with Alex and Ella coming to save me from boredom. I've only been at sixth form for just over a term and it's boring the hell out of me. I only enjoy doing photography, the rest are drags to go to and drain me of the rest of my energy and will. The only time I'm really enjoying at the moment is when I'm with the girls, with my group, when I'm riding or doing photography and when I'm writing music.
I look down at my phone and see the notification from a Twitter DM so I go on and open it without looking at who it's from because I'm 99%  sure it's from the girls.
It normally is. My eyes flicker back to my PowerPoint and then back to my phone where my body lets out a gasp, causing my friend to look at me.
"It's okay," I mouth not wanting to cause a scene.
I look back at my phone, struggling to get into my head who has just messaged me.
14th December
Charlie Jones: Hey (14:03)
Me: Hi (14:04)
Charlie Jones: How are you? (14:04)
He's answered right back.
Me: I'm good. Bored but good. How are you? (14:05)
Charlie: I'm good thanks. Why are you bored? (14:06)
Me: I'm in a silent study period with nothing to do. Would much rather be anywhere else but here. What are you up to?
Charlie: That sucks. I'm chilling out with the band. Not to much to do so I thought I would message you.
Me: Why message me? I'm nothing special.
Charlie: You are. You're Maddie of Best After AM. You guys make me laugh so much.
Me: You watch our videos??
Charlie: Yeah. We all do. They're really good.
Me: Wow. Thanks. It's really nice to hear when people enjoy our videos. Especially you guys. It's kinda your fault that we made the channel.
Charlie: Are you serious? I've just told the boys that and we're all amazed. How is it our fault?
Me: Alex and I came up with the idea on the way back from seeing you, New Hope Club and The Tide in November. It was one of the first thing we did together that wasn't related to horses. It's what really made us best friends.
Charlie: That's amazing. I never thought we would have such an influence on people like that.
Me: Well they say music brings people together 😂 your's brought Alex, Ella and myself together
Charlie: Wow. Hey, I know this is going to sound so weird but I want to get to know you better. What do you say to us carrying on talking to each other?
Me: That was way too formal but the idea sounds good. I would like to get to know you better too. And not just as a band member but the actual person you are.
Charlie: And that's not 😂😂
Me: Shut up Charlie 😂😂
Charlie: What do you want to do will you life? X
Omg he's added kisses.
Me: Okay go straight into it then. I want to write I think.X
Charlie: What type of writing? X
Me: Music, fiction. Both. I want to do something creative that I can take to extremes and no be confined by rules. It's the same with my photography. That's why my work doesn't look like others. X
Charlie: That's really interesting. I would never had pegged you with being a fictional writer. The music I could guess from your video. Which are really good by the way. You have an amazing voice. X
Me: Thanks. That means a lot coming from someone in music. X

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