Chapter Six

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Maddie's POV
"Okay, so where are we running to?" I ask my running partner Luke as we stretch our legs out in front of his house.
"I was think the station," he says putting it into his phone. "What mileage are you thinking of doing?"
"At least 5," I say click the directions into google maps.
"So you want to do 10 miles overall?" He say putting his phone into his pocket and his left ear phone in.
"Yeah. You?" I ask doing the same.
"About that though I might try and push myself to 11 today. You turn to pick. Left or right?" He says as he starts to jog on the spot.
"Right. See you at the station," I say as I start running right and he goes left.
Luke and I have been running for about 6 month together. We came up with this plan because we like to run together be we like running on our own as well, so we start in the same place, meet up somewhere and then run back to where we started.
I've done about 3 miles now when I decided to turn right onto a residential street. I fleetingly look down a the path in front of me as I start a sprint before looking back up and try to come to a stop before I run into the person coming out of their gate but I'm too late. My heel slips on the slightly wet group from the rain earlier and I go crashing into the person in front and end up falling over in front of them with the coffee they were holding going all over me. I look up to see who I clumsily ran into and take my ear phones out at the same time. I can feel the hot coffee soaking through my top and the slight sting on the palms of my hands. I blink a few times waiting for my vision to clear before I realise who I've ran into.
"Shit," I breathe as I look up at Charlie Jones and his shocked face. "Shit. I'm sorry I wasn't look where I was going and I didn't get a chance to stop myself properly and I'm sorry," I stumble to say and I try to get up.
"Hey. Stop. It's okay do you want a hand getting up," he laughs.
"Yeah thanks," I laugh back grabbing the hand he's holding out.
"Are you okay?" Charlie asks once I'm up.
"Yeah just a bit coffee covered," I laugh looking down at my top.
"Sorry," he says.
"It's not your fault it's mine," I say.
"You're Maddie," he says clicking who I am.
"That's me. They girl who just ran into you and now has you coffee over her," I smile a bit out of breath.
"Are you sure you're okay? You're putting no pressure on you right foot," he says looking down to where I was holding my right foot up on my toe.
"I don't know," I say hesitantly. "I didn't release I was doing that," I furry my eyebrows before trying to put my foot down when I get a shooting pain up my leg.
"From the face you've just pulled I'm going to go with a no," he says grabbing my right arm before I fall over.
"I must have twisted my ankle or something. It's just typical that it's my right side," I say giving out a laugh.
"Here, come inside and we can put some ice on it and see how bad it is," he says putting his arm around my back so I can rest on him to walk into his house.
"Thank you," I say as he sits me down on one of the sofas in the front room.
"It's no problem. I didn't know you lived round here," he says putting a pillow under me swelling ankle.
"I don't. My friend lives round here and we go running together," I explain pushing myself up so I'm more comfortable.
"So where's your friend?" He asks as he stands by the door ready to go out.
"Shit," I breathe remembering Luke. "We don't run together together. We start at the same place, meet up somewhere then run back to where we started as we run at different paces and for different distances. I don't know if that made any sense but it does to us," I say grabbing my phone out of my pocket hoping it hadn't cracked when I fell as it was in my back pocket.
"Yeah that makes sense. The only bit that doesn't is the fact you chose to run," Charlie laughs as he leaves the room.
I laugh at his comments and smile at the fact my phone is perfectly fine. I think this phone is indestructible the amount it's gone through and yet it's still fine. I unlock it and go to my contacts and ring Luke.
He picks up in 3 rings.
"Hey, what's up? Don't tell me you're already there," he says as he runs.
"Not exactly. I've had an accident," I say through gritted teeth as I know he's about to freak out.
"What do you mean an accident? Are you okay? Where are you? Do you need an ambulance?" He starts to rush.
"Luke calm down. I'm fine, just something to do with my ankle. I wasn't looking where I was going and ran into someone and they've taken me into their house while we have a look at what I've done. Carry on with your run. Don't stop just because I'm stupid enough to do this," I laugh as Charlie comes back in with an ice pack.
"Okay. Ring me if you need anything. Love you Mads," he say.
"Love you too Luke. I'll call you later," I say before hanging up the phone and breathing through my teeth as Charlie puts the ice pack on my ankle.
"Who's Luke?" Charlie asks in a flat tone. Is he jealous?
999 words. That number makes me very happy but also really annoyed as I like my round number.

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