Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Maddie's POV
Charlie: 41 selfies with cows!
Sean: The fans will love you guys 😂
Alex: So it's just like her normal selfies but this time the cows are more interesting
Me: I don't know if that's an insult to me or Charlie or both 😂
Liam: My guess is both
Alex: And the American gets it right😂
Ella: Anyone else noticing that we've been talking for over an hour on here
Charlie: I'm not sure if I should be offended or if I should congratulate you on getting something right Liam
Me: it's mad. But we should get to sleep. Some people have to get their beauty sleep 😂
Alex: Nothing will save your mug 😂😂
Sean: Savage 😂
Me: I was talking about the boys 😂
Ella: Night all. See you tomorrow
Sean: Night
Charlie: night
Trevor: Liam and Gabe say night too.
Alex: night all
Me: Night boys. See you tomorrow

I place my phone on the bed side table as Alex does the same.
"Do you know what you're going to wear tomorrow?" Ella asks us.
"My white shirt dress and the black leather skirt," Alex says.
"The leather skirt and one of the tops," I say getting myself comfortable in the bed.
"Charlie won't be able to think straight with you in that thing," Alex laughs.
"Well it's not like he's going to get anything," I say with a huff.
"Yeah but think of everything you'll get when he gets back from tour," she says raising an eyebrows.
"If I had another pillow i would throw it at you," I tell her making Ella laugh at the two of us.
"I'll see you two in the morning," Ella says when her laughter dies.
"See you in the morning," Alex and I say in unison before I turn over and get comfortable again.
We arrive at the venue around 9:30 and not to our surprise there's already quite a few people. We join the queue and I instantly recognisable a few girls. Some have been really positive about my relationship with Charlie, others not so much.
Alex sees my nervousness and sends me a reassuring smile when I catch her eye.
"It's okay. It's all lip," she smiles.
The boys were the last to arrive and I got a few invites from the support acts and staff to wait inside for them but I turned them down. It's not the same as being part of the crowd.
About 5 minutes before they arrive the girls and I pull out a packet of Pringles but by the time the boys arrive I'm the only one still eating them. We had managed to be along the fence line next to the van which is either going to be good or I'll end up getting murdered. The door opens and Charlie is the first one to come out. I can't stop myself from smile. Both at him and at the cheer that comes from the crowd behind us. I lean over the metal railings, the Pringle can in front of me and resting my elbows on the railing.
"Oo, Pringles," Charlie say smiling at me so I'm distracted while he takes on.
"Hey," I say as he speeds off know that I know he's taken one.
The rest of the boys follow him and I notice that both Sean and Alex blush when they see each other. I know that they both have feelings for each other but I also know they won't tell each other, they're to stubborn.
"Did he just nick a Pringle?" Ella asks as we all return back to normal and I'm so happy no one has seen that it's me. I really don't want to deal with everything.
"Yeah," I sigh as I eat a Pringle.
"Hey aren't you Maddie?" A guy behind us say. He's looks a bit scruffy and around his mid 20's. I stare at him a bit wide eyed for a second but then I realise that no one really heard him apart from the 2 girls behind us.
"Um. Yeah but please don't tell anyone. I'd like to see the boys perform before I'm killed," I say with a slight laugh.
"You're alright. I won't go shouting about it," he laughs. "I'm Fraser by the way. One of the acts today," he says and it finally clicks where I'd seen him.
"Yeah. Trevor showed me some of your music the other day. You're really good. I love you sound," I complement.
"So is Charlie really as sweet as he seems?" A girl call Mia, who was standing in front of us with her friend Jessica, asks.
"Yeah. All the boys are the same as they give off," I tell her. They girls seem really nice and friendly.
"It's super weird talking to you. It's like talking to one of the boys," Jessica says causing me to laugh.
"I'm first a fan. Please just think of me as one," I tell them as the reach the front of the line.
"Of course. Hey, we'll save you a spot in the crowd," they say as they head towards the boys.
"No soppiness!" Alex instructs me.
"I'm not soppy," I tell her as both her and Ella rise an eyebrow at me. "In public," I finish.
"Are you going to confront him about the Pringle?" Alex laughs knowing what I'm like about sharing my food.
"Maybe," I smirk and she knows I've got something in mind.
"You girls ready?" The girl waiting for us huffs.
"Yeah. Would you be able to record it on my phone please?" I say giving her my phone but with the camera already up as I don't what her to see the lock screen of Charlie and I that he took of us when we went on the walk at Christmas.
"Sure," she says handing it to her friend who starts recording.
Alex goes out first and starts with a hug to Liam. Once she's moved on I wait a second before following and giving Liam and big hug.
"Funny seeing you here," he laughs making me laugh.
"I know. Strange right?" I laugh as I move on to Gabe.
"You know he moped around this morning without you," Gabe says as we're in the hug.
"Just wait. He'll learn not to nick my food in a second," I smirk as we pull away and I know Gabe has seen it.
Charlie's eye light up when he sees me but thanks to me waiting a second after Alex I've got the perfect time for missing Charlie and going straight to Sean.
"You know you've missed your boyfriend out right?" Sean chuckles as I hug him.
"He should learn not to take my food," I say loud enough for him to hear.
"So he gets no hug?" Trevor laughs as I move on to him.
"Exactly," I say trying not to smile to much as I pull away.
"So where are you going to stand if you're not standing with your boyfriend?" Trevor asks.
"I might stand in between you two," I say as I go to stand between Sean and Trevor but I'm pulled back by a set of large arms.
I let out a small scream as I try to fight Charlie off but he engulfs me in a bear hug from behind and then nods to the photographer. As she takes the photo Charlie places a big kiss on my cheek while he tickles my ribs causing me to laugh. I only realise after he lets me go that everyone is looking at us and I know my hiding is up.
"That is the most adorable photo," the photographer says as she turns her camera around to show us. I'm mid laugh with Charlie smiling as he kisses me.
I smile up at Charlie who hugs me again as I grab my phone of the other girl.
"You shouldn't have worn that skirt," he whispers in my ear before I walk off to join Mia, Alex, Jessica and Ella.
"Cats out of the bag that you're here. Twitter is already going mad," Ella says as she shows me her twitter feed which is full of comments about me being here.
"Well I'll just have to get over it. I'm here for the same reason as everyone else," I smile as I grab my purse and Alex as we walk over to the merch stand.
We stand 2/3 rows back from the stage as we wait for the boys to come on. I can feel everyone's else on me and the mention of my name.
"Don't listen to them," Alex says to me pulling me away from being nosy.
"It's hard. There's a lot of hate. I heard someone say that it was selfish of me to have a ticket," I tell her turning around to face the group.
"You're not. You, I bought the tickets before you two were together," she tells me as a cheer rings out around us.
We turn our focus toward the stage as the boys come out as the stage fills with smoke. I see Sean stumble a bit over a wire but Charlie and his white top stand out to me so much.
I see him scan the crowd until his eyes land on me and his smile grows. He sends me a small wink and I send his a smile and wink back. I know this is going to be a good show.

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