Chapter Seventeen

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"That was definitely better then anything we would have had at the other restaurant," I say finishing my food.
"Nando's is amazing," Charlie laughs as he finishes his drink. "You ready to go?"
"Yeah. I don't know how we are going to get back though," I a chuckle.  The evening had not at all gone the way I wanted it to go.
"We can call a cab," he says as we get up.
"Yeah, but maybe just to the station. I don't really think the bill will be worth it," I chuckle, walking towards the door.
"We could just let my parents pay for it," I smirks.
"I don't think they appreciate it," I roll my eyes at him.
"Thanks for an amazing night babe. Even if it wasn't what you planned," he places his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to him as we walk towards a taxi bay that we saw on our way here.
"You're welcome. Im glad you had fun," I smile as I rest my head against his shoulder.
"How would you feel if I told you I love you?" Charlie says, stopping and spinning me around so I'm facing him as a few little rain drops began to fall down.
"You'll have to tell me to find out," I tease, a smirk playing on my lips.
"Well then. Mads, I love you," he says smiling.
"Well, Charlie, I love you too," I smile back as he leans down and closes the gap between our lips. The kiss was gentle and loving, a small bit of passion and hunger pushing through but not overpowering the kiss.
We pull part, my lips longing to be back with his.
"You are amazing," Charlie says as his forehead rests against mine.
"Well thank you," I smirk before he kisses the end of my nose.
"Shall we catch a taxi then? Mam will be worried if we get home late," he smiles taking my hand.
Alex's POV
"Have you seen Mad's new post on Instagram?" My little sister asks me as we eat our dinner.
"No. not yet. What is it?" I ask as I've been doing my work for the last 3 hours and decided to turn of my phone.
"Of her and it Charlie. Her boyfriend," she says and I jump up from the table going to grab my phone.
"Alexia! Come sit back down!" My Mam calls from the kitchen table.
"Coming!" I call back grabbing my phone and heading back to the kitchen.
I see that Charlie has posted on twitter as well so I guess he's got an insta photo up as well. I open my phone and go straight to mad's insta account where I see the most adorable photo. Her and Charlie are siting in the back of a cab and he's obviously the one taking the photo. Her face is half hidden as she looks up at him. His arm is wrapped around her pulling her into his side and he's looking at the camera but with his face very close to hers. I like it before commenting 3 red hearts and "you two are so adorable".
"Let see it then Alex," my Mam says as I pass her the phone. "They are cute together," she say. Mads was like the 5th sibling of the family which I love.
"She already got 500 likes and it's only been up for 3 minutes," my brother says.
"That's what she gets for dating Charlie," I laugh as I get a call from Ella.
"Hey," I say answering the call, leaving the room.
"Have you seen it?" She squeals.
"Yeah. They'll so cute together," I say.
"I know. Have you seen Charlie's post as well. It is adorable. He really loves her. Do you think he'll tell her?" She asks as I get a notification that Charlie had posted on twitter again. I open it to see a picture of them kissing and the caption "I love this girl more than words could describe. I'm so lucky to have her in my life. I love you Mads❤️"
"I think so. Have you seen the post he's just put up?" I giggle.
"Do you think you know that he took that?" She laughs as we get a notification by Mads. "Well that answers my question. She's just put 'when did you take this? I didn't know you took a picture of us kissing. But I love you too Charlie,'" she laughs as I laugh too.
"We just need to find people now," I laugh.

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