Chapter Thirty-Two

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Author's note- this chapter may (in the words of my friends) be a bit smutish but I'm not wanting this book to be like that I just find some of these chapters fit into the plot of the story and ones like this one make me laugh.
Maddie's POV
I walk out of Zara wondering how Alex can spend £60 on a jacket but then I would spend that on clothing if it suited me right. She pulls it on over her dress shirt and I swear to God she can pull anything off.
"So what time are the boys arriving?" She asks me as we head towards tonight's venue.
"Charlie said they were 30 minutes away last time I asked so that was 20 minutes ago," I say checking when the message was.
"Okay. Ella said she'll meet us at the Starbucks outside," Alex tells me as we turn the corner towards the club.
"Yeah. There she is," I say as I spot our friend.
"Ella," Alex calls as we rush over and embrace our friend.
"Hey," she says as we pull away and I notice a few fans turning to look at us before talking among themselves.
"Isn't that his girlfriend," one says.
"I heard she cheated on him while he was away," another says.
"No it was that some guy had nude of her," says a different one.
"I was told that she's blackmailing him into dating her," the first one says.
"Maddie," Alex's voice brings me back to my friends.
"Sorry. Shall we go inside. I feel like there's too much gossip outside," I say glancing over to the group of girls.
"Sure. Some people need to learn to mind there own business," she say the last bit louder so that the girls could hear as she pushes us towards the back entrance of the club.
"Maddie," Lexi the events organiser of the club calls me over as we enter the club.
"Hey Lexi. What's up?" I say as I greet the girl with a hug. Her long blonde hair with neon purple, blue and pink streaks that's pulled into a high ponytail swings as she walks.
"Where are the boys? And where's the merch going and all that? How's everything going to run and do they have a photographer for the meet and greets?" She rushes.
"Lexi calm down a sec," I say with a half laugh as we all walk over to the bar.
"Leave it all with me. I'll call the boys now and see what's going on," I say as I get my phone out and start to head back out.
"Maddie," Ella and Alex call behind me as I start to ring Charlie.
"Yeah," I reply.
"You're not going out there without us. Fan girls can be vicious," Alex say.
"They would murder you there on the spot," Ella says.
"Alright bodyguards," I laugh as Charlie pick up the phone.
"Hello beautiful," he answers.
"Hey. I've got a few questions from Lexi. One. How long will you guys be?" I ask.
"We're by Charing Cross now," he answers.
"Okay. Do you guys have a photographer for meet and greet?"
"No but we have a photographer for the show," he says.
"Alright. I can sort the rest of it out."
"This is why I love you."
"That's why everyone loves me. You love me for a completely different reason," I laugh as Ella and Alex both hit my arms, making me laugh more.
"I love you," Charlie says.
"I love you too. See you in a minute," I say hanging up before the girls and I head back into the club.
"So," Lexi says as we walk up to her by the lighting and sound booth as they check the lighting for tonight.
"The boys are almost here. They have a photographer for the show but not for the meet and greet so I'll do it on the fans' phones. I'm going to sort out merch when they get here along with the VIP cards and posters. We can do groups of 10 for the gold and platinum can all come down at once as the group is smaller," I tell her as I see the stress wash away from her.
"Thank you," she says pulling me into a hug.
"No problem. I'm going back up to wait for the boys," I say leaving with the girls again.
As I reach the back doors to the street the boys van pulls into the street. The girls are still there from earlier and a few more have gathered round. I could swear some started hissing at me.
"Obviously some snakes in the crowd," Alex says to us making me laugh as I realise I'm not being paranoid.
"Hey," Charlie says as he gets out of the van and walks over to us.
"Hi," I say as he places a kiss on my cheek. "Lets go in. I'm cold," I say shivering a bit as I regret leaving my checked coat in the boys dressing room earlier. My short sleeve and cropped grey top doesn't really cover much of my body from the cold wind that's around even though it's mid April.
"Do you want my coat?" Charlie asks pulling me into a side hug as we walk towards the doors.
"For the 20 steps to the door? I think I'll be okay," I chuckle at him.
"Sorry for just making sure my girlfriend is okay," he chuckles too.
"I'm not complaining. Just questioning how weak you think I am," I reply before pulling the door open.
"I'm not going to answer because I don't trust what you would do if I said the wrong think."
"Good answer," I say, breaking away from his grip and turning to face him.
"Well after 5 months I've learnt the right answers to say," he chuckles.
"The right answers to say to me. You haven't even started to learn the right ones to say to Alex. And she's a hell of a lot scarier then I am," I say with an innocent smile before running down the stairs and landing with a jump at the end.
"You're so childish," Charlie says as I sit on the bottom step waiting for everyone.
"I'm not childish. Just spirited," I say sticking my tongue out at him.
"Yeah spirited," he laughs as he leans down a kisses my lips. His soft lips send electric shots through my body and my brain is overtaken as my hands travel up to his hair and I start to pull him closer. Our kiss was loving and as if we were kissing for the last time before we couldn't take them for granted.
"Guys. The PDA has to stop," Alex's voice sounds from above us as Sean and Trevor let out a laugh.
We pull away from each other and from my place of lying against the steps I look up to my best friend with an innocent smile.
"Sorry Mam," Charlie laughs, over dramatising the Mam.
"Sorry that position is filled by your girlfriend," Ella says as the girls walk past us and Charlie pushes himself up, holding a hand out to help me up.
"She's got a point," Liam says as he walks past us.
"You've got a bit of lipstick around there," Sean says gesturing to most of the bottom of Charlie's face making me laugh as I see how much of my deep cranberry lipstick had smudged around his lips.
"I've got some makeup wipes in my bag," I say as I lead my boyfriend to their dressing room.
"Maddie," Lexi calls just before we enter.
"Yeah," I say turning round with as much energy as I can to muster up a smile.
"Have you sorted out the merch stuff yet?" She asks.
"I'm just waiting for it to be brought down. I'll be out in a second to sort it out," I tell her.
"Okay,"'she says turning on her peep toe, knee high boots that I would loathe if it wasn't for the fact that I was loving the lace pattern on the top.
"What is she on about?" Charlie asks as I push him into the boys' dressing room.
"She wants to know where the merch table needs to go and where all the VIP ticket stuff is," I tell him as I go to get my makeup wipes out of my bag. I chuck the at Charlie before fixing up my own makeup.
"Maddie," Lexi calls from outside the dressing room making me roll my eyes at how impatient this girl is.
"I'm coming Lexi," I call putting my lipstick back in my bag.
"I'll be back," I tell the group as I go towards the girl.
"Don't kill her," Liam says to me causing me to sent him a 'as if I would do that' smile.
"He's not really going to get them in the mood," I tell the boys as Ella, Alex and I walk into their dressing room.
"Why?" Gabe asks.
"A support act is meant to have music that you can get pumped to and ready for the show. His isn't doing that. I feel like I want to hang myself instead of dance around and have fun," Ella says taking a seat next to Liam who's face lightens up.
"We're just going to have to have lots of fun then," Sean says standing next to Alex.
"You have me in the crowd. Don't worry about that," Alex says making everyone laugh as I make eye contact with Charlie. I nod my head towards the door and I'm so grateful that he understands what I mean when he stands up and heads towards the door.
"I'll be back. I'm going to check the merch," he tells everyone as he grabs my hand to lead me outside with him.
"What's wrong?" He asks as soon as we're outside the dressing room with the door shut behind us.
"Nothings wrong. I just want to ask you something," I say and I see the concern that was in his eyes moments ago disappear.
"Go ahead," he say with a cheeky smile.
"Like I need permission to talk," I half laugh. "Did you see Liam and Ella?"
"No. Why?"
"I think he might have a bit of a crush," I smile.
"And whys that?"
"He light up when she sat next to him. I've noticed a few time but when ever they're around each other it when they talk about each other they have this twinkle in there eyes," I say with warm smile as I think about my friends.
"A twinkle?" Charlie try's to say without laughing.
"Yeah. A twinkle. Alex and Sean have the same sort of one. Though I'm going to bang their heads together if it takes them any longer to get together," I tell him as he lets out a chuckle.
"Are you trying to be the match maker for the group?"
"No. I just notice these things," I tell him as I turn to go back into the dressing room but I'm stopped by Charlie pulling me into him. I breath in his scent that reminds me so much of the sweetness you get from fresh red apples. Even though my shoes add 2 inches I'm still a lot shorter than Charlie but it make it easy to rest my head against his chest.
"I love you," he whispers into my hair as he places a single soft kiss that lingers for a while.
"I love yo too," I tell him as I close my eyes and take in the embrace and being this close to him.
"I'm going to miss you so much when we're on tour," he says.
"I'm not going anywhere. And the time difference and the distance isn't as much as it was before."
"I know but I've only just got you back," he tells me. My mind goes back to everything that happened when Charlie was in LA and how he still doesn't know what happened or the problems I've been dealing with because of them.
A single tear escapes from my eye but for the first time in a long while I'm feeling safe and as if they can't hurt me.
"I feel the same but I promise I'll be okay," I tell him.
"I promise I'll be home for you soon."
"You haven't gone yet," I chuckle lightly.
"I know but..." he starts.
"It's time for the gold to come and meet you guys," Lexi says breaking our moment. I pull away from Charlie's arms and wipe away the stray tear before anyone can notice. Opening the door to the dressing room Charlie steps in to get the boys.
"Remember only 10 at a time," I tell Lexi as the boys and Alex and Ella come out and we all head towards the main part of the club where the meet and greets were going to be held.
"So much smiling," Sean says as the last person disappears.
"What a shame," Alex says as she brings me over a glass of water.
"What about us?" Liam says.
"You have legs. Go get it yourself," Alex says making me laugh.
"Well then," he chuckles as he goes over to get himself a drink.
"My Mam is heading over in 5 minutes," Charlie says looking up from his phone.
"You know what we need," Alex says before I can reply to Charlie.
"What?" Ella asks.
"A group selfie," she says grabbing my phone from the back pocket of my jeans.
"Why my phone?" I ask as I'm pulled into the group.
"Because you have the newest phone so the best camera," she says as Charlie's large arms snake around my waist, pulling me towards him.
"Ready," Alex says as she stands on the stage so she's got us behind her. She try's a lot of different positions and photos but she's not liking any of them.
"Alex," I complain thinking of how Lexi will kill me if I spend anymore time not getting this place ready. Even though it's her job.
"Come take the photo Maddie," he says handing me my phone and jumping down from the stage.
"I hate you," I tell her as she smiles innocently at me. Charlie helps me up even though I probably could have got up on my own. I kneel on the stage so that I can get everyone in but so I'm not a lot taller than them. I take a few before I feel my body being pulled back into the group. I let out a little scream as I end up on the floor surrounded by my friends.
"Really?" I say as I go to stand up.
"Of course. You managed to get photos of the whole thing as well," Gabe says as he looks through the photos on my phone.
"I hate you guys," I complain as I start to head away from the group.
"Where are you off to?" Liam calls.
"To check I still look okay," I call back as I head towards the girls toilets.
"Maddie," Charlie calls as he follows me through the double doors into the hallway that has the toilets in.
"Yeah," I say turning around to face him.
Instead of answering me he crashes his lips onto mine and pushes me against the wall. The kiss is passionate and hungry. His hands travel through my hair then down my back before settling just below my bum. His lips travel along my jawline and down my neck to my sweet spot.
"Charlie" I moan causing him to smile as he sucks on my sweet spot.
My hands travel up and entangle my fingers in his quifed hair while my right leg lifts up and hooks around his. Charlie effortlessly picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.
"I need you. I need you now," Charlie groans against my sink.
"The toilets?" I suggest as my mind try's to think logically but the rest of my body is on fire.
"Perfect," he says as he carries me into the girls bathroom and towards the cubicle at the very end. He pushes me up against the wall again before his hands travel down to the buttons on my jeans. All of a sudden they've been pulled down to my knees along with my black lacy and mesh thongs from Victoria secret.
Everywhere his hands travel over my skin is left on fire. I let out a small gasp as he enters...
"I love you," I say as we sort our selves out before leaving cubicle.
"I love you too," he stays putting a bit of loose hair over my shoulder.
"I'm going to go out first and check no one is going to spot us," I say as I leave the cubicle. I begin to walk towards the door to the hall when it opens.
"Julie," I say in shock but trying to hide it as much as possible.
"Hello Maddie dear. Are you okay? I've been here for about 10 minutes and I haven't see you," she says as I feel all the colour drain from my face. Please don't say anything about not seeing Charlie either.
"Are you okay? You haven't been doing what you were doing before. I know it can be hard dealing with getting over being bulimia is hard and with the anorexia it's going to be really difficult. Also having Charlie not know is going to be hard," she says. Well I'm screwed. I'm now going to have to explain to Charlie everything.
"No I was just sorting myself out. I feel off the stage so I looked a bit of a mess," I tell her with a weak smile.
"Okay dear. I'm here if you want to talk," she starts to head off to a cubicle.
"Oh and Maddie," she says before entering her chosen cubicle.
"Yes Julie?" I reply with a fake smile.
"Have you seen my son anywhere?"
"Last time I saw him he was heading to the dressing room," I lie through my teeth as she gives a nod and locks the door.
I quickly grab Charlie from our cubicle before rushing out of the girls toilets and towards the dressing room.
"You have anorexia and you're bulimic?" He asks in a hushed tone, stopping in the hallway a little away from the toilets.
"Was. When you were away I struggled with a relapse. That's why I didn't speak to you for those few weeks. I was trying to sort my life out. Alex and your Mam helped a lot as well as a few others," I tell him.
"But you didn't think to tell me," his voice laced with anger and betrayal.
"I didn't because there was nothing you could have done while you away and we decided it would be better to tell you after the tour with Jake because we don't want this playing on your mind. I'm alright now," I tell him, going to place my hand on his arm but he pulls away.
"I just need some time," he says walking away from me, leaving me alone in the mind fucking hallway.

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