Chapter Eleven

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"Good morning beautiful," Charlie says as I start to stir.
"Good morning," I say lightly. "What time is it?"
"Just gone 9," he says playing with the bit of hair that fell out last night.
"What?" I say shooting up. "Oh my God, I'm late for school," I say going to stand up before remembering that I can't walk on my ankle.
"I don't think you're going to make it around school," he says moving over to me.
"I think you're right," I say in defeat. I've spent so much time getting myself better after my last injury that I just didn't want this to be that bad.
"Come back to bed then," he smirks.
"In a sec. I've got to ring the school," I say about to get up before he pulls me back to him.
He cups my cheek before placing a kiss on my lips. The kiss was deep and passionate, causing my body to tingle with electricity. I pull away know that if I didn't call the school now I wouldn't do it and they would end up calling my parents and I don't need that conversation right now. I sit up on my knees on the edge of the bed.
"I'll be back," I tease before getting up and limping over to my phone before limping to the bathroom.
"That would be so much sexier if I wasn't broken," I laugh to myself.
I come back into the bedroom where Charlie is now sitting up in his bed. I get back into bed and cuddle up to him before going onto my phone to check social media. I unlock my phone to see hundreds of notifications which is odd. I don't normally have that many.
I go onto twitter which has got over 50 notifications.
"What did you do?" I ask Charlie as I scroll though notifications about me being mentioned in tweets before I fall on his. "You posted a picture of me on Instagram?" I state and ask at the same time.
"Yeah. I want everyone to know that I'm yours," he says as I look at the picture. It's of me sleeping on his chest in a selfie of the two of us.
"I want to be annoyed it's a really nice," I chuckle, snuggling into him more.
I loo through the comments which are a mix of love and hate before I go onto my messages. Ella and Alex have been messaging nonstop since Charlie put that image up this morning so it takes me a few minutes to read through them all.
Me: He asked me out last night. Charlie Jones is my boyfriend! And no we haven't done anything more than kissing yet😂
I sent the message before turning my phone onto silent and putting it down. I sit up, causing Charlie to look at me.
"What?" He asks as I just sit there smiling.
"I'm just happy you're mine. And I think we should carry on what we were doing before I had to ring the school," I smirk as he places his phone down on the bedside table.
He sits up before kissing me passionately. His right hand cups my cheek and his left moves up to take my hair out, my long hair now  falling down my back loosely. My hands move to wrap around his neck, pulling me closer to him. I want to be as close to him as I can. I need to feel his skin on my skin. His hand travels down my back to the bottom of the jumper that rests on my thigh. It then travels up the inside of the jumper, running along my bare skin.
Our kiss parts quickly as he removes the jumper then pulls me onto his so I'm straddling him. He kisses me again before moving the kiss along my jaw line the down my neck where he stopped a the crook and began to gently bite ...
I lay with my head resting on Charlie's chest as he sat upright, his right arm pulling me into him, and our free hands playing around with each other.
"You're so beautiful and seriously hot when you're wearing my clothes," he says.
"You're hot without them," I smirk.
"Will you go get your ankle check?" Charlie asks changing the subject.
"Only if you come with," I reply.
"Of course. I don't want my girl being injured," he says causing my body to tingle.

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