Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"So it's operation get Alex and Sean together," Maddie says, collapsing next to me on the double bed that I've claimed, again.
"We also need to come up with ship names. The fans are begging for them," Ella says lying down on the other side of me.
"Let's start with Alex and Sean," Maddie suggests with a sneaky smile on her face.
"I think Alan," I say.
"Already. Alan it is. What about Ella and Liam?" Maddie says.

"Lila?" I suggest.

"Oh my God! That is perfect," Ella says sitting up.

"Okay then. Lila it is," I laugh. "Now Maddie and Charlie?" I smirk knowing that Maddie isn't a fan of some of the ship names that the fan's have come up with.




"God no."

"What about Marlie?" Ella suggest.

"Yeah Marlie is nice," I agree.

"I guess you're right," Maddie sighs, rolling her eyes.

"Did you just agree with me?" I ask in pretend shock.

"Um. No?" Maddie says trying to take it back.

"Nope! You said it. No take backs. I have a witness," I laugh, leaning back on the bed.

"So tomorrow we're officiating theses names right?" Maddie says with a small laugh at my action.

"Of course. Couple selfies. Please can we come up with one for Trevor and Gabe. I feel they need one, they're left out otherwise," I say.

"I've got it. Tabe?" Maddie laughs.

"Yes. Tabe," We all laugh.

"Come on," Ella says as she opens the door of our hotel room and starts walking out of it.
"Maddie, it's fine," I say to my best friend as she stresses over how her hair is looking.

"Are you sure? It's not to over done or anything?" She say taking a final look in the mirror.

"No," I say to her. "And I think that will be the last think that Charlie will be looking at," I say to Ella in a hushed tone, making her laugh.

"I heard that. And they don't look that big," Maddie says as she looks down at her outfit. She's wearing plain black, high waited jeans and a band top she bought from New Look in the sales.

"Lovely, if you jump, you're giving yourself a black eye," I laugh, Maddie retaliating by sticking her tongue out at me.
"Come on you two. They boys will be waiting for us," Ella says opening the door, obviously realises that we hadn't followed her.
"We're coming," I say pushing Maddie  out of the door.
"I feel sick," Maddie says to the two of us as we get in the lift.
"You'll be fine. He won't care,"  I tell her, fixing my hair in the mirrored walls.
"You don't know that," she stresses.
"We do. Now shut up," I tell her with Ella tries to stifle a laugh.
"Stunning, like always," Gabe says pulling us into a hug. Why does he have such amazing hugs?
"What did we say?" I tell Maddie as she sends us daggers.
"Happy birthday Gabe," she says as she gives him the gift that the 3 of us had bought him.
"You're so annoying," I hear Sean say as he walks out of the tour bus. I turn my head to see him talking on the phone. He walks straight past the three of us with just a nod and small smile. I look over towards the girls and they send me a sympathetic look but I'm not going to let him get me down.
"He's been talking about you a lot," Gabe says to me.
"It would be nice if he talked to me," I say.
I turn back to look at the group and see Liam has his arm draped over Ella's shoulder and Charlie has his arms wrapped around Maddie from the back and is resting his head on her shoulder. Trevor is standing between them and Gabe.
"So Charlie. What do you think of the ginger in person?" I ask, forcing a laugh.
"It's strawberry blonde not ginger," Maddie pushes in before Charlie can speak, making everyone chuckle.
"I like it. I've always liked a blonde," he says before kissing her cheek. Good they are so mushy.
"So my brunette wasn't your type?" Maddie asks and I can see her testing him, though it doesn't look like he does.
"You're my type, whatever hair colour you have," he smiles down at her, causing her to smile. He obviously did see her testing him.
"Good answer," Gabe laughs making us laugh.
"Shall we go get some food? I'm starving," I say.
"You're always hungry," Maddie and Gabe laugh.
"Well you both said it so I'm guessing it's true," I smile as I walk away.

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