Chapter Seven

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"What?" I say giving off one laugh.
"Who's Luke?" He asks in the same flat tone.
"Luke is my running mate," I say confused at why he's acting like this.
"So are you two a thing or something?" He asks his tone laced with anger or jealousy. I can't figure out which one.
"No, he's dating my cousin and has been for the last 4 years. They're getting married next December. Why are you acting like this about it?" I ask, my eyebrows furring.
"I don't know. I guess I just really like you," he says which throws me off.
"What?" I repeat. All I had wanted to do today was go for my run and yet now I'm here having the Charlie Jones tell me he really likes me.
"Don't make me repeat myself," he says placing his hand on my bare calf. I can feel my heart rate speeding up.
"Charlie you can't just say that to a girl, especially one who you've only really spoken to online," I say stuttering my words. My mind can't think straight, everything is moving a such a fast pace.
"I have though. I really like you Maddie. I've never felt this way about a girl," he say as he moves his other hand to rest across my face. His eyes run over my face, examining it when his eyebrows furry together.  "You're bleeding," he says running is thumb over a cut on my face I hadn't realised was there.
"Is it bad?" I ask not really knowing what to say. My brain had given up on me and I'm trying my hardest to fight my urges to lean forward and kiss his amazingly sculptured lip that has a slight pink tinge to them.
"I don't think you'll need stitches," he say moving his thumb down from the cut on my cheek to my bottom lip where he ran it along. My body was having a full on inner fight to stop myself from doing something so stupid. Before I could process what was going on, Charlie had leant forward. He hesitated for a second, looking between my lips and my eyes before he places his lips to mine. The kiss was so unexpected but sweet and gentle as if he was testing the water to a pool before getting in. He pulls back for a second and I open my eyes to see him looking at me, a small smile playing on his lips before he places them back on mine. The kiss was more passionate and deeper than the one before. He move the hand on my calf up to my hip and my hand reach up a wrap around his neck wanting to pull him closer. I had never meet this girl before. She's taken over my body, controlling my every move.
"Charlie, I'm home," a female voice calls as we hear the front door close. Our lips part at the sound of her voice. My heart rate and breathing is through the roof and I can feel the heat off my cheeks.
"Shit, that's my Mum. She's home early. I was really getting into that ," he smiles, getting up before placing a kiss on my forehead.
Once he's left the room, I quickly try to find my phone. I know that at this point Luke would have called Alexia and she will be going mad. 
I pick up my phone and as I predicted I had endless texts from her.
'Me: It's all okay. I'm with Charlie Jones 😉' is what I reply to all.

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