Chapter Thirty-Six

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Sean stands in the middle of the room, the top buttons of his shirt open slightly revealing his muscular chest. His hands are tucked into his suit trouser pockets. The blonde in his hair growing out a bit, showing his dark roots of his messy style that still looks smart. Why did God create him so beautiful?
"You're truly beautiful," he says to me as he walks over.
"You're not to shabby either," I smile as he reaches me.
The spring breeze blew around us catching the flow of my palatinate blue dress. The twinkle of the fairy lights around us dance like fairies, the music their laughs and giggles as they have fun.
He takes my hand in his walking me out of large French doors and into a garden lined with red rose bushes. A sand path guides us down and towards a beach, looking upon the sea as the sun sets. The sky full of oranges, pinks, purples and blues.
Sean brings me closer and starts to lead me in a simple dance of going round in a circle. I rest my head against his shoulder, nuzzling into his neck as his scent fills my nose. I let out a sigh as I think of how at home I am in his arms. The warm sand under our bare feet. The gentle lapping of the sea against the shore. The beautiful chime of the music playing around us.
"I love you Alexia," Sean says, his voice like an angel.
"I love you Sean," I responded as we stop dancing and he tilts my head up so that we are facing each other.
"From the first day I met you I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Everything makes so much more sense with you here with me," he tells me.
"I want to wake up next to you everyday. I want to memorise every part of you. I want to wake you up with breakfast in bed and hold you tight in the winter in front of the fire when the snow is falling. And I know that I'll be in love with you every time I wake up. You are the angel in my dreams. The one that I always have on my mind. When I sing a love song, I want you to know it's always about you. I want you to know how beautiful you are to me."
"Sean you're the place that I feel the safest, the place I feel at home. The place I want to be forever," I smile, a single tear escaping my eye and down my cheek.
He leans in, kissing the tear away before pulling back so our lips are millimetres away. I can feel his breathing against them. Leaning in they brush against each other before they pre...
"Oh my God!" Maddie's voice breaks my daydreams as she jumps on my bed. "Feel my legs. This fake tan stuff is amazing. My legs are so soft," she squeals.
"You have to be kidding me," I huff.
"What?" She asks completely oblivious until she grasps the stern look I'm giving her. "Oops."
Know it's short but have wanted to write this chapter in for a while. Xx

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