Chapter Thirty-Five

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Alex's POV
"Come on Mads. We're going to be late!" I call up to her.
"I'm here," she puffs rushing down the stairs. "I'm here."
"Got your passport, right?" I ask her. This girl would forget her head if it wasn't screwed on.
"Of course. I'm not a ditsy blonde," she laughs showing her passport to me.
"I wouldn't call your hair blonde. More, ginger," I laugh as I look at my best friends hair. We had thought it was a good idea to dye her hair and we'd picked a dark blonde. Naturally we didn't think about how it would look over her cherry mahogany hair and she ended up with just bleach blonde roots so we bleached the rest of her hair. It looks okay just with very red ginger streaks through it.
"It's strawberry blonde. Not ginger," she says sternly as we walk out to the cab to go to the airport.
"Has Charlie seen it yet?" I ask with a giggle.
"Not yet. I thought it would be better as a surprise," she cringes at the idea.
"Have fun with that," I laugh as we get in.
"How's things going with Sean?" She changes the subject.
"You know. Like it's interesting. We the same as before but different at the same time. I'm confused. Just going to see what it's like over the next few days," I stutter.
"I'm glad he got his head around everything," she says as I stare out the window at the passing streets knowing I was heading towards the guy that I had fallen for; a guy I didn't really know; that wasn't even mine and who had already broken my heart.
All I can respond with is a hum of agreement.
"Maddie. Alexia," Julie greets us as we reach the exit of the Swedish airport we had landed in. I'm not really sure where in Sweden we are as I let Maddie sort everything out when it comes to things like this.
"Hi Julie," Maddie says as we're embraced by her.
"The boys will be here in about 2 hours so let's get you to the hotel. Gabe's parents are excited to meet the two girls that he sees as sisters," she pulls away from us as starts to usher us towards the taxis.
"Aw cute," I say a Maddie sends me a side glance, telling me she's nervous. I furry my eyebrows, confused about what she's nervous about.
"Now, Maddie. Something's different about you but I can't put my finger on it," Julie says as we reach a taxi.
"My hair?" She says, covering her nervousness that I think is from Charlie seeing her new hair colour.
"Your blonde?" Julie says in realisation. "That's it. Looks lovely."
"Thanks," Maddie replies with a small smile.
"How was your Mam's party? We were sorry to miss it but you know..."
"They did well I hear. Can't wait to see them perform," I say.
"And Jake Miller. I do love his music," Mads adds.
"Yeah. It's not like you know every word to puppet," I laugh.
"Shut up. A girl is allowed to know the lyrics of the music she likes," she argues.
"Yeah. Just the music she likes," I smirk, pushing her buttons.
"I'm with Charlie thank you very much," she pouts.
"Talking of Charlie. Are you going to tell him?" I ask knowing that I'm the reason we've started talking about Charlie. I really do know how to get the information I want from her.
"Tell him what? Lately I feel like I've had to tell him everything. He doesn't need to know everything about me life," she huffs.
"You told him about your fingers," I point out looking down at her strapped up fingers.
"Yeah. I broke my finger. Everyone knows that. It's not really a secret," she rolls her eyes.
"You told him about everything that was happening. I don't think telling him would be the worst thing. He'll understand most likely. It's what's good for you and your health," Julie tells us.
"She's right," I say to Maddie.
"I know. It's just with what happened last time I feel like I'm more of a burden then a girlfriend," she say looking out the window.
"You're not. I've never seen him love anyone or anything as much as he loves you. And that's saying something because he loves that part of a guitar of his," Julie says making us all laugh.
We arrive outside a large building in a long street. It's mostly brown walls travel up 5 floors with a grey stone lower floor.
"This is our hotel for the night," Julie says as we exit the cab.
"And that's a months wages," maddie whispers to me.
"We're going to stay here for the night then we're all staying at Gabe's parents," Julie tells us.

"Maddie, Alex," Ella's voice calls out as we enter the hotel. Quickly we are engulfed in a hug from our friend.
"Oh my god! What did you do to your hair?" She says in shock as she looks at Maddie's hair.
"Alex," is all she replies as I try to stifle my laughter.
"It looks good," Ella says.
"Don't get her hopes up. We all know it's not," I say in a loud whisper so Maddie can hear. She lets out a sarcy laugh, sticking her tongue out at me.
We all start to laugh and follow Julie to our rooms.
"How do I look?" Maddie asks walking out of the bathroom. She's wearing a royal blue skater dress that falls mid thigh. The dress is covered in a royal blue flower lace and fits her perfectly.
"Charlie wouldn't be able to keep his hands off you," I say sitting up from my position of lying on the bed.
"Shame he won't see me in it," she says making Ella laugh. I turn to her with a smile, knowing why she laughing.
"What?" Maddie asks, confused which causes me to laugh more.
"Charlie says that it's a shame that Josh is down as his room mate for the hotels," Ella say through laughs as she reads off the iPad in front of us.
"Are you guys..." Maddie says walking over to us so that she could see the iPad. "On Skype with the guys," she finishes as she answers her own question.
"Hey gorgeous," Charlie says to Maddie.
"I hate you," she says moving back over to her case to get her shoes out.
"Who?" I ask, trying not to laugh.
"All of you," she says also trying not to laugh.
"It's okay. I'll love Charlie for you," Josh say causing me to laugh even more. I can't hold in the laughter anymore. This is just to funny.
"Hands of my guy Joshua," she says sternly.
"Make me ginger," he laughs while trying to be serious. We are all laughing so much as Josh and Maddie have their bit of banter.
"Shut up. It's strawberry blonde not ginger," she says putting on her pink suede , lace up boots with a cut out heel.
"You can't tell me to shut up," Josh argues.
"Watch me," she says walking back over to us and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"You are nuts," Charlie laughs, close to collapsing because he's laughing so much.
"We all know that," I laugh, Maddie starting to giggle as well.
"How are you liking Sweden?" Gabe asks us.
"Well the small amount that I saw between the airport and the hotel looked really nice," Ella tells him.
"The airport is amazing. Truly one of the best airports I've been to," I deadpan.
"You're coming sight seeing with us. With out own Swedish guide," Liam says.
"I don't know how much sight seeing some people will be seeing," Josh says in the background.
"Really not appropriate," Maddie breathes getting back up and grabbing her bag.
"We better get going. Can't keep the parents waiting," I say.
"See you guys tomorrow," we all say before Ella hangs up the Skype call.
"Mirror selfies?" Maddie suggests as we all stop in front of the large, full length mirror.
"Insta?" Ella asks.
"Of course. Got to keep that thing updated," she smiles.
"So the fans of OA that follow you can be even more jealous of us. Mainly you," I raise my eyebrow.
"Well yeah that to," she let's out a little laugh at my comment.
We all stand in front of the mirror. Maddie in the middle, me on the right and Ella on the left. She's wearing a black chiffon skater with a diamond waistband and lacey top that covers her chest to her neck but is sleeveless. She's also wearing a matching lace pattern on her black heels.
I'm wearing a silver cream blazer dress with a plain black choker. My stilettos are plain black and tie like ballet pumps.
We all look stunning and pull a lovely pose as Maddie takes the photo.
"So which one of you is going to pull the waiter?" Maddie asks as she captions at posts the photo, tagging us in it.
"Well I'm taken for so I'm guessing it's going to be Alex," Ella says.
"What?" Maddie and I both say in shock.
"Liam asked me out last week," she says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"And you forgot to tell us this why?" I ask.
"Because I wanted to tell you in person," she replies.
"The first thing you should have said to us was 'hi girls. Just to let you know Liam and I our dating now. And don't worry. You will be bridesmaids to our wedding'," Maddie says.
"Sure, sure," she laughs as we leave the room.
Sorry it's taken so long to update guys. Been a mad month or so but promise to update more.

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