Chapter Five

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Alexia's POV
It's been 3 days since Maddie told me about her a Charlie. I'm so happy for her. They haven't stopped talking to each other since and I'm so happy she not being really cagey and off with him since I know that's how she felt with others after everything that happened with the asshole.
I am kinda jealous though. She my best friend but I would love for one of the OA boys to message me. Even if it wasn't Liam or Sean. But Charlie did say they watch our videos which is just amazing. It means we have a bigger audience then I thought we did. Mads and I haven't even been doing Best After AM for much longer then a month yet we have a following that contains Over Atlantic. I'm so happy. Our Instagram has over 2000 followers and our own have almost 2500 each. This is amazing and to think we could have gave it up so easily when our first video didn't make it past 50 views for the first 2 weeks.
"Hey," mads calls as she walks out of her school gates.
I turn up from my phone where I was looking through our Instagram feed.
"Hey girl," I say as we hug each other.
"So are we going cheap and with McDonald's or healthy with Costa?" she asks as we walk towards the bus stop to head to Costa.
"What do you think? You're the one who wants to lose wait. You have a month until Milton Keynes," I laugh at my best friend.
"I was just asking in case we ever change our minds and I've lost 9lbs since the beginning of December so I only have to lose 5lbs more," she giggles as we reach the bus stop.
"Well done. How's it going with you and Charlie?" I asks as she blushes at the mention of his name.
"Good. Really good. We get on really well," she says smiling to herself.
"I'm really happy for you. You should try and get us back stage for Milton Keynes," I slide in and watch as she gives me that look of hers.
"I can't do that Alex. Not at the moment. Maybe closer to the time," she says looking at her phone for the bus time before it beeps with a message.
"Is it from lover boy?" I cheekily ask.
"Probably," Mads says as she looks at us changes over to the message. "Bus is due and yes it is home," she smiles.
"What has he said?" I ask being nosy but she's my best friend and I'm allowed to be.
"He's just said how are you," she says smiling.
"Any kisses?" I ask.
"One," she says as she types away.
"What have you put?" I ask trying to look over her shoulder.
"Just that I'm good and that I'm going out for lunch with you," she says putting her phone away and getting her Oyster card out as the bus approaches the stop.
Her phone goes off as soon as we step onto the bus.
"Wow he answers quick," I comment as we take a seat.
"Yeah he's really speedy at replying which is really nice," she says as she opens the message. "He say hi and hopes we have a nice lunch," she continues.
"That's sweet of him. Have you got his number yet?" I'm being so nosy.
"Not yet. We've only been speaking for a few days," she says shyly. One thing that always surprises me about Maddie is how she's never bold when she speaks to guys. She doesn't like to ask first.
"Pass me you're phone," I say quickly and her face reveals shock.
"Give me you're phone. I'm about to increase your relationship with him." She hesitates for a second before passing me her phone.
Me: Hey can I have your number. I'm about to run out of data and still want to talk to you. Xx
I pass Mads' her phone back and watch as she reads it then looks at me in shock. She looks back at her phone as it beeps.
Charlie: Yeah sure ...

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