Chapter Three

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Alexia POV
December 14th- to Maddie
Me: what do you want to do for our next video? (17:38)
Mads: not really sure. Could doing something along the lines of accessories?? (17:52)
Me: yeah that sounds good (17:53)
Me: do you want to create a plan? I'm free tomorrow for lunch? (17:57)
Mads: yeah I'm up for that. Xx (18:10)
Me: why are you taking so long to reply? (18:11)
Mads: I'm talking to someone on twitter😉 (18:15)
Me: spill (18:16)
Mads: it's Charlie😍 (18:22)
Me: Charlie? Charlie who? (18:23)
Mads: Charlie Jones❤️❤️ (18:27)
Me: as in OA Charlie Jones???? (18:28)
Mads: that's the one 😉😍 (18:30)
I'll be putting in little chapters like this and diary entries every once in a while.
Longer chapter coming soon.
Can't believe it's December tomorrow. As a Christmas treat I will be uploading everyday even is it's like 23:59 but it will be done all the way until Christmas where I will either do a double update or a extra long chapter between 1500-2000 words.
Cherrykisskiss xx

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