Chapter Twenty-One

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We sit there is shock for a second before Charlie takes off after Luke. It doesn't take long for him to catch him. I run after him, slower but I get there before Charlie can do anything stupid. I pick up the camera next to him and look through the photos. There's ones of Charlie and I kissing and then the ones from earlier.
"It was you," I croak, starting to cry again. Why am I crying so much today?
"You bastard," Charlie says pushing him up against a fence wall.
"Why?" I ask him. I'm so hurt. He's like a brother to me.
"Because I'm in love with you," he says causing Charlie to punch him.
"Charlie!" I say trying to pull him off him but I'm so weak compared to him and I can't stop him from hitting him again. My vision becomes blurred the more that Charlie and Luke fight. I see Luke go in for a punch, splitting Charlie's lip.
"Maddie," Robin calls as my group run across the field.
I try to pull Luke and Charlie apart but before I know it I'm on the floor holding my jaw.
"Shit. Mads," Anna says running over to me.
"Maddie. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you. I was aiming for him," Charlie explains coming over to me as well.
"Don't," I say sternly to him.
"Just give her a second," Sarah says to him as I get up.
"It doesn't look bad. Does it hurt loads?" Anna asks as she looks over my jaw.
"Not really. I think it's just the shock," I say as James runs back out.
"I've got paper towels and water," he tells me.
I look over to Charlie. His face is starting to bruise, his lip is split and his knuckles are bloody.
"Alright." I take a deep breath, taking the stuff of James and walking over to Charlie.
"Mads. I'm sor..."
"Don't. Just be quiet," I tell him, taking his hand to look over it.
I pour the water on the paper towels to make them damp, before dabbing it over his knuckles. He takes a sharp breath as I dab them.
"You shouldn't have punched him," I tell him.
"He told my girlfriend that he loves her and posted photos of her on twitter that can ruin you," he defends himself.
"I don't care. You still shouldn't have done it," I sigh.
"Can I still take you to lunch?" He asks.
"Yeah," I breath looking up at his face.
We sat opposite each other in Ed's dinner, silently scanning over the menu.
"What can I get you?" The fake, blonde waitress says, clearly trying to flirt with Charlie. Why is there always one?
"Can I get the Smoky Joe's. Ed's plate, please," he tells her, ignoring me looking from over the top of my menu.
"And what about to drink? The milkshakes are really good," she says leaning forward trying to draw his attention to her non-existing boobs.
"Just a coke thanks. I think my girlfriend will have the same," he say nodding to me.
"What do you want to eat?" She glares at me.
"Just the chicken Acapulco burger thanks," I say coldly handing her my menu.
"I'll be back with you drinks soon," she tells us before turning around and walking off.
"How's your jaw feeling?" Charlie asks breaking the silence.
"Um...okay. I've had worse," I tell him, fiddling with my thumbs.
"Mad's really I'm sorry. I just lost my temper. I've really fallen hard for you," he tells me taking ahold of my hands, making me look up at him.
"I have for you too. Maybe we're moving too fast. I mean we're 17 for god sake. You know everything that happened with Jack and how much he's damaged me. I think we need to take a step back. We don't even know that much about each other," I tell him.
"Can we act like today never happened?" He smiles.
"Please," I smile at him.
"You still want to meet on boxing say?" Charlie asks as we walk down the high street.
"Yeah. I still want to see you over Christmas. I just think we need to not be connected by the hip 24/7," I smile as he takes my hand in his.
"I love you Maddie's," he tells me kissing my hand gently.
"I love you too Charlie," I smile leaning my head against his shoulder. Damn him being tall and me being short.
My phone buzzes in my pocket, drawing my attention to it.
"What is it?" Charlie says as I get my phone out.
"I've got a twitter message," I tell him furring my eyebrows.
"From who?" He says looking confused at my confusion.
"A fan of yours," I say opening up the message.
You have ruined so many girls lives. You're going to ruin Charlie and his life. You are horrible and filthy and you should watch over your shoulder.
"What does it say?" He asks looking over at the message.
"I think they saw the photos," I tell him, looking up at him.
"I'm not having this," he says taking out his phone.
"What are you doing?" I ask him a bit alarmed.
"Tweeting that sending messages to my girlfriend is wrong and that I love you," he says.
"Don't . It will make things worse," I tell him.
"I'm not having this," he tells me.
"I know but..."
"I'll put out a statement saying the photos were taken out of context and something like that," he cuts me off as I drag him over to an free bench.
"I love you and I love that your doing this for me but I think I need to fight this battle myself. I don't really care if some of your fans do like me. I know there will be some that do. So let me tweet about the photos. If you're that persistent on doing something about it, retweet it," I tell him as I start to write the tweet.
‪'The pics taken of me where taken out of context. It had nothing 2 do withCharlie and me. We r happy together and hope u can all b happy 4 us‬' I tweet.

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