Chapter Twenty-Six

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Warning ⚠️ this chapter contains adult content that some readers may want to skip
Monday 27th April
Maddie's POV
I stood nervously leaning on one foot than the next. It's only been 10 weeks but I feel like I haven't seen him in so long.
"Dear, if you keep jumping around like that you'll do yourself an injury," Julie laughs as she places her hand on my arm. I'm only slightly taller than Julie and with my latest change in hair colour we now both have a red tint to our hair in the light of the airport.
"I'm just so nervous and excited," I smile as I start to lean forward and backward on my heels.
"There's sit a good 10 minutes before they come through the gate," she tells me.
"Yeah but knowing the boys it will take them so long to get their bags," I chuckle.
"Very true," Julie also chuckles.
"Do you want a coffee?" I ask looking over at the Starbucks behind us.
"Why not. We can sit down and have a proper little catch up. I do think you should have still let me pick you up," Julie says as we start walking over to the queue.
"I was in London to drop some stuff off for my dad so it just made sense for me to get the train here," I tell her.
"Well I know that Charlie will really appreciate you coming. He's always saying how much he misses you," she smiles at me making me feel very welcome into her family.
"I've missed him so much too. It's been crazy since he left," I say giving a laugh as I think about everything that has happened in the past 10 weeks.
"What can I get you ladies?" The barista asks as we reach the front of the queue.
"I'll have a medium latte," Julie says as the guy writes it onto the cup.
"And I'll have a medium caramel frappuccino, coffee blend and no cream please," I tell him as I get my purse so I can pay him.
"I'll get this," Julie says to me.
"Let me. It's the least I can do after everything you've done for me with you know," I say giving a weak smile as I think about everything Julie has done for me since my break down in February.
"You don't have to thank me. What are boyfriend's mother for if they can't check up on the girlfriend after she's had a breakdown and the boyfriend is in LA," she smiles as I pay for our drinks.
"True," I laugh, on of the most real laughs I've had in so long.
"I haven't told Charlie about everything," she tells me as we stand at the end waiting for our drinks.
"Thank you," I smile gratefully. "Do you think I should?" I ask nervously.
"As his mother yes but as a confidant I don't know if tell him would be the best thing at the moment of time. He's going on tour in a few weeks and I don't think he would care for himself probably if he's always think about it," she tells me.
"That's what I've been thinking. I would love to tell him about Rodger but I think it will do him more harm than good. Alex knows and she's helping me through it all so I'm not alone," I smile weakly as Julie gives me a confused look before getting interrupted by our drinks.
"Rodger?" She asks as we walk towards at table.
"I've named them all. It helped me last time. Rodger is my anorexia. Kevin is my anxiety. Racheal is my bulimia. And Steve is my depression. It also makes it easier to talk about them in public with out getting stared at," I tell her.
"Rodger, Kevin, Racheal and Steve. Is Kevin being a bit clingy at the moment?" She asks as she nods towards my hand where I'm playing with the lid of my cup.
"I'm just worried that I'm not as... good as the girls in LA," I tell her looking down at my hands.
"You are the perfect girl for Charlie and no blonde bimbo will ever be as 'good' as you," Julie tells me as she takes my hand causing me to smile at her in thanks.
10 minutes pass by quickly as Julie and I talk about how well the single has done and the up coming tour. We stand up from our table and through away our drinks. Julie's is empty but mine is only half drank even though I tried my best to drink as much as I could. Standing by the exit of the gates I bring to rock on my heels again until I see a tall body walk out of the gate. His quiffed hair like it normally is and his pink jumper on that he always says is a dusty pink so isn't really pink. Our eyes meet through the crowd and I swear it's like everything has gone into slow motion just like they do in the movies. I duck under the ropes and run over to the boy I love. I wrap my arms around his neck as he drops everything and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist before kissing his lips. God I've missed these lips. His sweet smell of ripe sweet apples feels my nose and his hands hold me in place against his body. I break the kiss, also pulling him closer to me. The light laughs of Gabe and Sean bring my attention to the boys who are standing next to us taking a picture. I playfully stick my tongue at them before going back to embracing my man.
After what feels like a lifetime but I'm sure was only a few seconds I untangle myself from him and land on the ground softly. Julie takes my place in hugging her son, just less all over him as I was. I turn to Gabe and Sean who I've never really meet but I've spoken to a lot and Sean and I have a 36 day streak. I hug Gave first who gives me a very warm and welcoming hug.
"You have amazing hugs. Maybe even better hugs than Charlie," I smile causing Gabe and Sean to laugh and Charlie (who now isn't engulfed in a hug) to roll his eye at me.
"Thanks. They do say I give the best hugs," he laughs.
I turn to Sean who's only and few inches taller than me and give him a hug too which is a lot easier with the height situation.
"It's nice to meet the girl that has been sending me amazing selfies for the last 30 odd days," he smiles as we pull apart.
"That last one with the flower crown was amazing," I laugh thinking of the mug shot of myself I sent him the other day.
"Yeah. I've saved that one for your 18th birthday," he laughs.
"Trust me there are going to be so many more like that," I laugh as Charlie bear hugs me from behind and I finally feel safe.
"I'll be gone for 20 minutes max," I tell Charlie as I try to release my grip from him.
"You can get it delivered," he tells me.
"And what about Alex? She doesn't know where she's going," I tell him, managing to get my black wrap coat on.
"Send one of the boys. I've only just got you back," he whined.
"And you have me from the rest of the week mostly. I'm spending every night up until Friday here, with you," I tell him before kissing him and grabbing the keys out of his hands. "I'll be back soon and with food," I smile.
"And with Alex," he huffs knowing he's lost this fight.
"And with Alex," I giggle leaving the house.
I walk round to the bus stop where Alex is waiting for me.
"He let you go than?" She laughs as we being to walk towards dominoes.
"Just," I laugh.
"Have you told him about...your little friends?" She changes the tone quickly.
"No. and I'm not going to until after the tour. I don't want him to worry," I tell her.
"What about tonight when he sees that you're not really eating?" She rises an eyebrow.
"I'll come up with something," I huff.
"And what about the rest of the week?" She continues to push.
"I've come up with excuses long enough. Another week won't do anything worse," I snap. "Sorry. Can we change the subject," I say softer.
"Okay. Is Sean really as cute as he was?" She asks like a little school girl.
"Yes," I say shaking my head.
Around 11:50 we all head to bed. Alex is staying in the spare room. Gabe, Trevor, Sean and Liam are staying in the living room and Charlie and I in his room. I stand I his room looking through the photos that have been taken in the last few hours. It's been so warm. We've all got on so well and Kevin disappeared for the most of it even if Rodger was working extra time meaning I only eat one slice of the 4 pizzas we bought.
"You look stunning in that photo," Charlie says wrapping his arms around me from behind and looking at the photo of Trevor, Alex and I.
"Thanks," I blush as he starts kissing my neck. My body tingles under his lips and a fire inside me is lit. He pulls away and I whimper as I place my phone on the chest of drawers. I turn around in his arms so I'm closer to him.
"Do you want me to carry on?" He smirks as I nod at him.
He starts to kiss the crook of my neck and the fire inside me grows stronger. My body grows stronger as I start to lose control of what I'm doing and this person inside of me that I had no idea existed takes control. As Charlie's lips move up my neck towards my ear lobe, my hands travel up, snaking around him and into his hair. His grip around me tightens around me and we stand to walk back over towards the bed where Charlie falls back with me on top of him. His hands travels towards the belt that covers the line where my top and skirt meet as his lips move to mine. My hands move under his black top that he put on when he got home. Before long my belt and skirt are on the floor as Charlie flips me over so he's on top. He breaks the kiss pulling my black best top off over my head with one hand. I pull off his top using both hands before entangling them into his hair. He smirks down at my body as he notices I'm wearing the Christmas present he got me.
"You're wearing them."
"I told you I would wear them when you got back," I smirk bringing his head towards me to I can kiss his lips again. He pulls off my bra before he starts to place sloppy kisses down my body until he reaches the top of my tights. He smirks up at me before using he teeth to pull them off. I let out a little giggle, trying to be as quiet as possible so we don't draw attention to us. Charlie stands up in front of me as I lay out on top of the bed, half naked. Both of us staring at the others half naked body's, both of us wearing nothing but our underwear. I smile at the guy who I call mine as he crawls back on top of me, kissing me gently as his hands travel down...

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