Chapter Ten

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Maddie's POV
"Cover for me please," I say to Alex while I've got a minute to call her.
"Of course babes. Just don't get up to anything that I wouldn't do," she laughs.
"I think you mean anything you would do," I say causing both of us to laugh. "Okay. I'll call you tomorrow. Love you," I say after our laughter dies down.
"Be safe. Love you too," she replies before hanging up.
"Alexia?" Charlie asks from behind me, making me jump.
"Yeah. Just checking up on me," I smile moving a bit so he could sit on the sofa next to me.
"Where are your parents?" I ask not wanting to go straight into what had been nagging me for the last half hour.
"Cleaning up and Mum is making desert," he say sitting down next to me.
"Why did you tell your parents we're dating? Actually that's not what I really want to know. Why did you tell them we were dating before we were even speaking to each other?" I blurt out.
"I don't know. I guess I really like you and I wanted you, no, want you to be my girlfriend," he says.
"If that's your way of asking me to be your girlfriend then it's not exactly, um,  special," I chuckle.
"Okay how about this. Maddie, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks making me chuckle and blush more.
"Let me think about that," I tease.
"Can this make you think faster?" He asks before leaning forward, grabbing my chin and pulling me into a kiss.
"So have you thought about it?" He teases as our kiss parts.
"Yes. Yes I'll be your girlfriend," I smile before he leans in and kisses me more passionately.
"I'll just wear the jump," I say as we discuss the fact I have nothing here.
"Are you sure? You won't get cold or anything?" Charlie says as he stands in front of me while I sit on the edge of his bed.
"Well I've got you to keep me warm if I get cold," I say trying to stand up before moving into hug him, resting my chin on his chest to look up at him.
"That is very true," he chuckles, wrapping his arms around me.
"I can't believe your parents are fine with us sleeping in the asame bed," I say.
"They know we're old enough to make the right decisions," he says leading us to the bed so I can sit down.
"My parents would have a full on argument with me for it to be okay," I say, sitting down.
"Are you sure you don't want to go to hospital and get your ankle checked?" He asks, concern taking over him.
"You're so cute when you worry. I'm fine. Really. If it's still really bad tomorrow I'll go okay," I smile before kissing him. "Right. I'm going to sort myself out. I'll be back," I say getting up before Charlie gets a chance to protest against me walking on my own. "Don't. I spent 3 months limping. I'm perfectly capable of doing it on my own," I argue as he goes to grab my arm to help me.
I walk into the bathroom where I look at myself in the mirror. I don't look to much like a mess. I've got a few scratches on my face and a cut in my cheek but nothing else.
I get up my texts and send to Alex that Charlie asked me to be his girlfriend before taking my gym bottoms off and undoing my sports bra and taking that off without taking the jumper off. I take out my ponytail before tying my hair in a bun on top of my head do it's not too bad tomorrow. I grab my clothes before limping back to Charlie's room where he was already in bed. I place my clothes and phone on top of his dresser before sliding into bed with him. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him so my head is resting on his chest. The steady beat of his heart runs through me and makes me feel safe.
"You're so beautiful, and now you're all mine," he says placing a kiss on my head as I drift of into sleep.
I realise that it's mostly been Maddie POV's at the moment but don't worry, I'm putting some Alexia ones in next week but this is quite a big part of the whole story so I want to make it the best that I can.

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