Chapter Twenty-Three

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"I can't believe I'm not going to see you for 10 weeks," I say as I hug Charlie. We're standing in the middle of the airport saying our goodbyes.
"We'll FaceTime and message and call each other okay," he says wiping away the stray tear.
"Yeah. But if won't be the same. I'm going to miss you so much," I tell him.
"I'm going to miss you too. But when I'm back you'll have me all to yourself again," he smiles.
"Until the gig," I point out.
"Is someone a little jealous?" She laughs.
"No. Just wanting to keep my man to my self," I smile looking up at him innocently.
"Sure," he smiles before pulling me into a kiss. It's soft and sweet. The right type of goodbye kiss.
"God I'm going to miss these kisses," he smiles after pulling away from the kiss.
"Me to. Now go before I make you stay," I say reaching up and kissing him quickly. He turns around with his bag and starts to walk off to security. He takes a quick look back at his Mam and I before carrying on.
"Do you want me to drop you off at school dear?" Julie asks, wiping away her own tears.
"If it's not to much trouble," I smile doing the same.
"So what are you going to do for the next 10 weeks?" James asks as we sit in photography.
"My A-Levels," I sigh as I fiddle with the levels of my photos.
"Do you think he might, you know..." Jack, Robin's boyfriend, asks before she gabs him in the ribs.
"Not helping Jack. You know what happened between Jack and I," I say. Jack, Robin's boyfriend, and Jack, the asshole that broke me, are really good friends and after everything that happened I found it so hard to say his name that I would call him by his surname but lately it's become easier.
"Sorry. It just came into my head," he tells me.
"It's going to be weird. Like no doubt and the time difference is 8 hours behind, so that's going to be a challenge," I tell them as I finish up editing my photos.
"But once he's back there will be a night of full passion," James jokes.
"James," I semi-shout in shock causing the class to turn around and have a look at me quickly. I can feel my cheeks heating up.
"It's true though. I can bet on it," he laughs.
Dear diary,
It's been 3 weeks since Charlie left for LA and I'm struggling. I have no energy to get up in the morning. Face people is a struggle and I can feel my anxiety getting worse.
I went to the doctors the other day and they've put me back on my meds. They're not really helping. I've missed a week of school already and Charlie and I haven't really been talking. I get a streak snapchat but nothing else really.
I think I'm spirally but I don't know what to do to stop my self...
Alex POV
"Hey Charlie," I say as I answer my best friend's boyfriend's FaceTime call.
"Hey Alex. Have you heard from Mads lately?" He asks me. I think back to the Saturday before which was the last time I spoke to her.
"Saturday. But that was 5 days ago. I haven't spoken to her since. Why?" I ask a little worried.
"How was she?" He asks nervously.
"A bit desecrated. She wasn't her normal chatty self now that I think about it," I tell him.
"I think something is going on with her. She's not answering any of my calls or texts. I'm not sure what to think. Do you think she could be cheating on me?" He asks.
"No definitely not. She's been on the other end of that and it was a different type of offness. Like she was last year actually. Oh. Shit," I say realising what's going on.
"What?  Don't say that. Is it something bad?" Charlie starts to panic.
"She's relapsing," I say.
"What do you mean relapsing?"
"Around her 16th, Mads started to suffer with depression. Like really bad depression. She started smoking loads. She wouldn't eat and if she did she would throw it back up. She pushed herself really hard at the gym and would self harm. Her anxiety got really bad and so where her attacked. After around 7 months I found out along with our other friend and we got her help. After Jack she had a relapse but when you started to talk things got better.
I knew she was stressing with her A-Levels but I didn't think it was this bad. Charlie I'm going to hang up on you cause I need to go and help my best friend," I say, him nodding before I hasn't up on him.
"Can someone give me a lift to Maddie's?" I shout through the house.
"Come on then," my brother says grabbing his keys.

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