Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Sometimes the pain is so unreal that I make myself believe it's not," I say to no one. My small room is empty. Just me. I lay on my back looking up at where the white ceiling meets my cream walls. I don't know why I said it. The words just rolled off my tongue as I thought about everything from the last few months.
There's one thing I love about my room is that it's me. Everything in it has been done by me, mostly. I picked the cream colour for the walls, the stone grey colour for the wall along the left and painted them. I used old apple crates to create shelves that line the grey wall in a stepped pattern. The dressing table made of the bottom of the creates that I painted with a white was along with the mirror off my parents old dressing table. But my favourite part of my room is the fairy lights along my day bed and the wall as you enter my room. Hanging off the fairy lights on the wall are photos. Photos of the girls and I. Photos of my beautiful horse, Diamond. Photos from gigs with our group. And most of all photos of Charlie and I. I want a way to make him not feel so outcast about everything I've been through.
My phone ringing breaks me from my inner thoughts. I roll over to answer it and see that Alex is calling me.
"Morning," I say answering the phone.
"I think he has a girlfriend," she rushes and I can tell she's trying not to cry.
"Who?" I ask sitting up.
"Sean," she says.
"I'm coming over. I'll be there soon and we'll get to the bottom of this," I say to her before hanging up and heading out of my house.
I ring Charlie to see what's happening. I know Sean has feelings for her and if he wasn't to stupid he would have asked her out by now.
"Hey baby. What do you want to know?" He asks when he answers.
"Can't I just call my boyfriend with out wanting something?" I ask.
"But I know that you want something. You normally do," he chuckles lightly.
"True. Anyway. Has Sean got himself a girlfriend?" I direct the conversation.
"Not as much as a girlfriend but he got himself a hook up while we're here," he say.
"Is he that stupid?" I say a bit too loud as a few people on the bus turn around to look at me. Can't people mind their own business.
"Can you blame the guy? He's,"

"Yes. And he's an idiot. Is he there?" I interrupt him.

"Hold on," Charlie chuckles as he passes the phone over to Sean.

"And what do I owe the honour of this phone call?" Sean's voice comes through the phone.

"Now why do you think?" I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You want to know why I hooked up with a girl last night.  Well, I was having this feeling down below and,"

"Shut up. I don't need to know that. I want to know why  you thought it was a good idea?" I said screwing up my face at his answer.

"Well I wasn't getting anywhere with the girl I like so I thought the best way to get over her would be to get on top of someone else," he tells me.

"Who's the girl that you like?" I push for him to tell me although I already know the answer.

"Alex, alright. I'm in love with Alex but she doesn't feel the same way about me. She's friend zones me  and I know it. We used to talk all the time but now we hardly ever do," he says with sadness in his tone.

"You two are going to drive me nut," I say under my breath. "Sean. You know she feels the same about you?" I tell him with a half laugh.

"She does?"

"She does. And I've basically had the same conversation with her because of what you did last night. Look, I'm going over to hers now. You call her tonight and tell her how you feel. If you don't I will, because I swear you two will cause me to go mad if you keep going on like this," I instruct him.

"You're already mad," he laughs.

"All the best people are," I smile.

"Speak to you later," he says.

"Speak to you later and tell Charlie I'll call him after the show," I reply.

"Will do," he says hanging up the phone.

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