Chapter Forty

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Alexia's POV
I stand there caught between the two guys I never thought I could love as much.
"Who do you want to be with? Do you want to be with me?" Sean asks as my mind starts to spin.
"Or do you want to be with me?" Aaron asks as I start to feel sick.
"I don't know okay? I'm so confused," I say looking up so that the tears wanting to fall couldn't.
"How do you not know? It's a simple question. Who do you want to be with?" Aaron pushes on.
"I ... I want to be with..."

Ella's POV
"Liam we can't," I laugh as he pulls me along the London street towards the club that he wants to take me too. Liam had come and surprised me. Dragging me out to London to spend so time together which we've been wanting for a long time.
"And why would that be?" He's cheeky smile lights up.
"You've already paid for everything. And I know you don't have that much money so I know you can't afford to go to the club as well," I smile trying to give a reason for it not being a good idea.
"It's fine. Come on," he laughs as we pick up a bit of a run.
"Liam. Slow do..." I say as a screech of brakes sound out from behind us. All of a sudden everything goes black...

Maddie's POV
I sit in Starbuck trying to grasp what was going on. Charlie had taken me for a coffee, obviously surprised when I didn't order my normal but he could sense something was off from the moment he was at my door.
"You're doing x-factor?" I ask my voice small. I feel small. Like a China doll that's about to break. My mind not processing everything that had happened in the last 24 hours.
"Yeah," Charlie says, turning around to face me more. Taking my hands in his.
"And I found out like everyone else," I say taking in a sharp breath pulling them away.
"Maddie, I didn't mean for it to be like that. You know I wouldn't," he tries to tell me.
"But that's what happened. You didn't tell me yourself. Not even a text. I found out from twitter," I say as a tear rolls down my face.
"It's not like you don't keep secrets from me. All that time when I was in LA. When I was on tour," he says, starting to get angry.
"All of that was different. The stuff in LA was because you couldn't do anything and we all knew you would want to and then I would become a distraction to you when you didn't need it. And when you were on tour. I came and told you in person!" I say, getting angry as well.
"And what about now. You're all distant like before. What is it? I'm I really that bad of a boyfriend that you can't tell me theses things?" He say more hurt than angry.
"It's not you. Trust me it's not you," I say, tears starting to fall.
"Than what?" He asks.
"I...I can't," I breath.
"Then I can't do this," he say getting up to leave.
"I'm pregnant," I blurt out. "I'm pregnant..."

The End...

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