Chapter Two

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Well, school was school. The same stuff happened. It was nothing out of the ordinary. I went through class after class, people always said the same ol' things to me.

"What happened to your dad?"

"How did you get that scar? It's so ugly."

"Why do you never talk?"

"Why do you look like that?"

I was use to all that, but I preferred the silent conversations, they were always my favorite, 'cause it meant people were leaving me alone. I don't know why they still bother to ask those questions, the same people have been asking them for the past few years. Even before I got the scar they still asked questions like:

"Why are you so ugly?"

"Are you an attention seeker?"

"Why did you have to be born?"

"What made your parents keep an ugly mutt like you?"

But the worse comment that someone ever said to me was from Ashley Clark. Ashley was the same year as me, but she was superior to everyone. We were all equals, but at the same time, we were all so different.

"Hey why do you have to be such a brat? Your dad wouldn't have punished you if you weren't such a brat. So what did you do? He probably just didn't like the way that you look, that's it isn't it? 'Cause I don't like the way you look either. You're just too fat and ugly for me to look at. I don't blame him for punishing you."

Her comments only got worse from there, but that was the one that broke me the most. The worst part is, I could never stand up for myself. I wasn't strong enough, nor did I have enough courage to go up against Ashley. I knew if I tried, I'd get the blame and I'd be  the one facing detention or expulsion instead of her. Ashley was loved by everyone, even the teachers adored her. Everyone someone brought into her fake little act, but I always knew there was something off about her (Apart from the abuse). 

 I had absolutely no friends, I just stopped trying after a while. New people would move here and were really nice to me at first, then they would meet Ashley and they would change in the snap of a finger. That's how I met Brittany, Ashley's best friend, she and I were friends for all of a week back when we were eight or nine and then Ashley came back from some family trip and she'd turn Brittany like she turned all of her other minions. 

I got use to being alone, strangely it was nice. I'd eat my lunch in the woods behind the school, just me and my thoughts. I'd get some home work and class work done, I even had time to walk around for a while to burn of the little lunch I'd had.

I was currently ambling out of English, on my way to lunch, when I was pushed into a wall. I gasped as my spine hit the knob of a locker.

"What's wrong? Did that hurt?" A voice sarcastically asked.

I looked up to see Ashley. She was wearing bright pink, her blonde curled hair rested on her shoulders, she pouted at me in a deceptive way. To her left was her boyfriend Alex, and to Ashley's right was her best friend Brittany.

I tried to walk away from them, but someone caught my arm and threw me back into the lockers.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to talk to me? 'Cause I really want to talk to you. But do you mind if I face the other direction, your face is to revolting to look at. I think I might hurl." Ashley said.

"Teacher. Incoming." Alex said looking to his left.

Ashley pulled me into the closest bathroom, Brittany and Alex following closely behind. Ashley pulled her phone out of her pink shoulder bag.

"Listen here you bitch. You are going to get on your knees and beg for forgiveness." Brittany said with a smirk.

I did nothing, I didn't move or say a word.

Alex came up to me and sucker punched me in the stomach. I fell to the ground in pain. Alex then proceeded to kick me in the gut.

This went on for a little while. I listened to Ashley and Brittany laughing.

I silently begged for my life to end, for everything to just fade away, for me to become non-existent.

I had no perception of time. I was clueless to the length of time my beating was, that's how beatings usually went for me. Me begging to die; not knowing how much time had passed.

When Alex pulled away from me I looked up to see Ashley looking at her nails and laughing at something someone had said, I couldn't make out the voice, or even what they had said.

I watched the three tormentors leave the bathroom.

I lay alone on the blood, my vision going black. This was then end, I hope.

* * * *

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