Chapter Nine

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"Come here, you're freezing." Travis said.

We were sitting in his truck at paradise point lake, our lake. We had stopped off a diner and gotten some toasted sandwiches and fries before coming here.

Travis was right, I was freezing. It was getting close to the end off fall and you could definitely tell.

"Naomi, please come here." Travis said and reached his hand out to me. "I want to keep you warm."

How was he acting so normal? Was he not there when Ashley talked about my dad? Was he not there when she talked about punishing me herself because my dad couldn't? How could he act as if it hadn't happened?

I gave him a confused look. "How could you act as if nothing happened?" I asked, staying in my place on the opposite side of the truck.

"Naomi, I would ask questions but I don't want to push you. I don't want to lose you because I'm an overprotective nosey person." Travis explains. "Now can you get your beautifully stubborn butt over here so I can warm you up." He pleaded with me.

"I like how protective you are." I smiled. "And I'm not that cold." I lied.

"Lier lier pants on fire. Come on Naomi, your teeth are chattering and you have goosebumps all over your hands, and I bet everywhere else. Now please let me warm you up."

I sighed and shuffled over to Travis' side of the pickup. Travis smiled in triumph and wrapped one arm around my shoulder and used his other arm to lift my legs over one of his. His touch was so warm, why didn't I come over here when he first offered. I smiled up at him "Thank you."

"Anytime princess." He smirked and handed me my cheese and red onion toastie.

I blushed at his nickname for me. I unwrapped my toastie and began eating while resting my head in the crook of Travis' neck.

Once I had finished my food I put my rubbish in the bag Travis had gotten it from and I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes.

Right in this moment, I didn't care what my dad had done to me, I didn't care what Ashley nor her minions said or did to me. All I cared about was being here with Travis.

Over the past twenty-four hours he had achieved what I thought was impossible. Travis had cheered me up. Travis had given me feelings, rather than me feeling nothing. Travis had taken care of me when he found out what happened in the school bathroom. Travis had protected me from Ashley. Travis had stayed by my side through all of this.

With all these thoughts I let myself drift off.


I held onto my little mate while she slept in my arms. She was so beautiful, no she was stunning. And she was all mine. I thanked the moon goddess every chance I got for giving me such a stunning mate.

I hated the effect other people had on her, if it wasn't her mum or her brother then she was scared of them. She use to be scared of me, which really upset my wolf. But I think she was learning that she could trust me.

I wanted to kill the bitch that we ran into in the halls. I don't care if she's some alpha's daughter, she hurt my mate and she was going to pay for that. How dare she threaten her while I'm standing right there.

I wanted to ask Naomi so many questions, but I knew that it wasn't the right time. I also knew that talking about whatever it is would upset her, and I really didn't want that to happen.

So next week is Thanksgiving. I want to take Naomi back to meet my pack, but I don't know how she will react. Maybe it should just be my family that she meets first.

I smiled at the thought of her meeting my family. They're a bunch of crazies who never cease to make me laugh. I wanted to hear Naomi's laugh, I already loved her smile.

I kissed the forehead of my sleeping mate.

* * * * * 

awwwwww.... so what did you think?

Sorry about the short chapter.

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