Chapter fourteen

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"I'll be back." I said and stood up from the picnic table.

Travis grabbed my hand. "Where are you going?"

"Bathroom, I'll be right back." I smiled.

Travis nodded and let go of my hand. I hurried off to the restrooms.

We were at Goodale State park having some breakfast. Travis promised that when we get back onto the road that I can go to sleep and that he won't interrupt.

After doing my business I walked out of the cubicle and over to the basin. I washed my hands and reached for a paper towel. I felt a prick in my neck and everything went cold and fuzzy.

"You're a hard girl to follow." A familiar voice said before everything went completely dark.


I sat at a picnic table with Barbara and Liam. Liam was eating a bread roll filled with fresh chicken, Barbara had a roll filled with coleslaw, I was currently eating some hot chips that I was dipping in my potato and gravy.

Naomi had just run off to the bathrooms a few minutes ago.

Barbara and I were fully aware that there were other wolves in the same area as us, but we didn't recognize any of their scents.

A few minutes later I felt a prick in my neck, but it didn't come from my neck. Naomi. I raced over to the bathrooms that Naomi had gone to, she wasn't there. She wasn't anywhere.

I growled. Where the hell was my mate?!

I ran back to the table where we were just sitting. I looked at Barbara and a panicked look came across her face.

Liam looked at us, confused. "Where is Naomi?" He asked. When I didn't reply he growled at me. "What did you do to my sister?!"

"Liam, calm down. Travis did nothing to Naomi, it wasn't him. It was someone else." Barbara explained to him.

"Well who else could it be?" Liam asked his mum angrily.

"Ashley." I said my teeth gritted.

"Ashley?" Barbara asked. "As in...?"

I nodded. "When we went to sign Naomi out she came up to us and threatened Naomi right in front of me." I explained.

Barbara growled. "And you didn't tell me?!" She paused. "Wait, if you met Ashley then you know her scent?" I nodded. "Is she here?"

I lifted my nose up in the air and took a deep sniff. I shook my head. "All I can smell is Naomi."

"Which way?" Liam asked.

I pointed into the woods and Liam took off in a sprint. Barbara and I quickly followed after him. It was another twenty minutes before we lost the scent.

"NAMOI!??" I shouted, I hoped that there would be a reply. But none ever came.

"Travis, listen." Barbara said and pointed to her ears.

I used my wolf hearing to listen out for something, anything. I heard a faint heartbeat in the distance, along with two very strong heartbeats. I sniffed the air. Ashley.

That bitch took my mate. That bitch gonna die.

I snarled and ran in their direction.

It wasn't long before I caught up with them. Ashley stood there with her pink mini woman's bag hanging off the middle of her arm. She smirked at me. Behind her stood a man he was holding my mate in his arms, a smirk on his face too.

"What's wrong honey? You don't actually want her do you?" Ashley spoke. I snarled at her. "Oh he does want her, did you hear that Alex?" She laughed. "Why would you want such a frail human? She's so ugly and pathetic. Why waste your time with her, when you can waste it with someone much better?"

"Oh and who would that someone be?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well for starters, someone who is a wolf, like us. Someone who doesn't hurt to look at. And someone so much better in every way." She said it as if it were something that was true, as if everyone thought it.

"You hurt her, and I'll kill you." I growled.

"Kill her." Ashley smirked at the boy behind her.

Liam jumped, changing into his wolf, and leaping at the boy holding Naomi. I ran at Ashley catching her neck in my hands.

Just as Liam landed on the boy Naomi went flying into a tree. I watched Liam rip the throat out of the boy who had just thrown my mate.

"NOOO, Alex!" Ashley screamed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, was he your mate?" I smirked. "Not so tough now are we little pup?" I snarled before ripping her head off her neck, sending blood everywhere.

I looked around to see Barbara kneeling next to Naomi's body. I rushed over to them.

"Her pulse is very weak, they injected her with some form of tranquilizer, only a weak does though." Barbara said holding her daughter's hand.

I sniffed, yes I could smell the tranquilizer too. "Come on Naomi, you've got to wake up princess." I whispered.

* * * * *  

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