Chapter Twenty-three

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Naomi and I sat on the couch in the lounge, my arms wrapped around her. She lay on me with a plate of food on her chest. Every once and awhile she would hand me a piece of bacon or a pikelet.

She was so beautiful. She was so beautiful, and she was all mine. My mate, my best friend, my fiancee, and my life.

I kissed her forehead and stole the plate off her. She pouted up at me and I handed it back to her. She smiled up at me and handed me another strip of bacon. I ate it out of her fingers and licked her hand, making her squeal.

'Travis we have a small problem.' My dad said to me over mind link.

I sighed. 'What is it dad?' I asked.

'Do you remember how Emma went away a few months ago with some other fighters to help out a neighbouring pack?' My dad asked.


'Well, son. That pack was attacked. And.... Travis, Emma died a few moments ago.'

No that can't be true. 'What did you mean small problem dad? Emma's death is a big thing. She was my best friend, you know that.' I said.

'Travis, I think you should come down to the pack hospital.' Dad said.

'Dad, I'm with Naomi.' I sighed.

'Leave her at the house, she doesn't need to see this just yet.' Dad said.

'Dad just tell me what's going on!' I growled.

'Travis, do you remember when you got drunk at that party with Emma?' Dad said, when I didn't reply he continued. 'Travis, Emma has a son....'

A son? But... No it can't be. No. No No. This isn't happening. NO!

I looked down at Naomi, her face was filled with worry. "Travis, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Naomi... We need to talk...."

* * * * *  

Sorry for the short chapter. Hope you enjoyed.

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