Chapter Twenty-nine

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I had just put Parker down for the night.

The past few months had been rough on all of us, I was no longer able to take Parker to see Travis because he would just sit there screaming to be on Travis' lap. Lorain and David had started making arrangements for a funeral, I wasn't ready to accept this though. I wasn't ready to accept that Travis was gone.

A few weeks ago David sat me down and told me all of the options.

Three weeks prior.

I sat in Travis' hotel room, holding his hand. Hoping and praying that we would start to see a change soon. His skin wasn't healing, he wasn't able to breath on his own, and his heart was still weak. It was the exact same as when I first saw him in this bed.

"Come on Travis. Please, you promise that, if I hold your hand, everything will be okay." I paused and a tear slipped down my cheek, going around the scar on my face. "I'm here, holding your freaking hand.... But you're not getting better." I lend my head against his hand. "You need to get better, Parker needs you. David and Lorain needs you..... I need you."

I sat sobbing for a few minutes, I couldn't bare to live if I lost him.

"Naomi." David's voice spoke, a warm hand came to my shoulder.

I looked up and behind me to see, in fact, it was David. He was wearing his hospital coat.

"Sorry, I'll give you a minute with him." I said, standing up.

David shook his head. "Naomi, I want to talk to you about a few things. Would you mind coming to my office?" He asked.

I nodded and followed David to his office. We sat in the chairs across from his desk. David handed me a tissue, which I used to wipe up my tears.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, nervously fiddling with the tissue.

David sighed and took a deep breath. Something told me that I wasn't going to like what he was about to say. "Naomi, I know this is hard. But as you know, Travis' condition hasn't changed." He took a deep breath, obviously not wanting to tell me something. "It appears that Travis' body has grown weaker, he grows weaker by the day. His body has started to deteriorate and shut down." He paused again and pulled a manila folder off his desk. David opened it. "Naomi, we have done a scan. It appears that Travis' wolf is still there, and active. We've tried talking to his wolf, but all he replies with is that if you are okay, then there is no need for Travis or him to stick around. His wolf believes that if you are happy and safe, then Travis has served his purpose and that if he was to go now that you will still be okay."

I shook my head. "No." I paused and took a shaky breath. "I am not happy, Travis is lying there dying. How could I be happy when the one I love is lying there dying?!" I said and then gasped at what I said. I love Travis.

David reached out and clutched my hand. "I know, Naomi, I know. But we have to start think about what options we have." He paused. "It's been two months since Travis' accident, the chances of him waking up are getting smaller by the hour. There is many roads we can go down. We can try some adrenaline, other treatments. But those have no guarantee. The last option is to shut off his oxygen pump, and if he heals then he heals, if not then it's time to say goodbye." David voice grew quieter at the end, I could tell he didn't want to accept this either, Travis was his son after all, but David was also a doctor and as a doctor he knew the changes of Travis recovering.

I nodded. "David, I know this is hard on you and Lorain too, but if you agree I would like to please have him try the treatments. I'm not ready to give up hope." I admitted to him.

David nodded and squeezed my hand. "I agree fully." He said with a smile. David stood up, nodding for me to do the same. I stood up and got pulled into a tight hug.

Present time.

A tear escaped my eye at the memory. I quietly left Parker's room and began wandering towards the house.

The house was almost ready, they were putting the last few layers of paint on the interior and exterior. I wanted to wait for Travis before we started buy furniture. I couldn't bare the thought of doing it without him.

Even though the house wasn't ready yet, I liked to come out here to think. I prefer coming out here at night when no one was around. Even though I probably wasn't always alone, David explained that there are wolves that roam around at night to watch out for the bad wolves, rogues, I think that's what they're called.

I was starting to get use to wolves, they were still scary. I mean how could you not be, even slightly, scared of a wolf when, on all fours, it was about four-foot. And then if it stood on it's back legs it would be about eight-foot or taller.

Dogs were like ants compares to them. I was starting to get over my fear of dogs too. I mean, they're not as deadly as a eight-foot wolf.

I sat on the back porch of the house, looking up to the sky.

Mum had been teaching me all about the moon goddess, she was in charge of giving and taking lives. Of the werewolf species that is.

"So, moon goddess, if you are real, then I guess you're the Jolene to my Dolly. Stop trying to steal my man!" I yelled and then started laughing. "I'm going freaking bonkers, talking to the sky as if it were real." I said.

I was quiet for a while. I listened to the wind rustling through the trees that surrounded me. I listened to the occasional wolf howl. I watched the stars surrounding the large moon.

"Okay... God...." I say out loud doubtfully. "Or moon goddess." I pause. "Look, it's no secret that i don't exactly believe in either of you... but here goes nothing." I take a few deep breaths, looking up at the sky. "I love Travis, he's my... well everything. Well not really, I do have my mum, my little brother, Parker and Travis' family. But I guess you'd know all this if you were actually real, which you're probably not. So I love him, and I'd be very grateful if you didn't take him away from me." I pause. "Thanks, or amen?"

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