Chapter Tweleve

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When my mum got home I immediately ran down stairs to her with a huge smile on my face. "Hi mum." I said and hugged her.

"Hi sweetheart. How was your day?" She asked, she looked a little surprised.

"My day was good. How was yours?" I asked and followed my mum into the kitchen.

"It was alright I guess. Now is there something in particular that has put you in such a good mood? I'm not complaining or anything, in fact I love how happy you look." She said and put her bag on the counter.

"Well. Travis and I were talking... And what are we doing for thanksgiving?" I asked with a big smile on my face.

My mum smiled at me. "What did you have in mind?" She asked.

"Well, Travis wants to know if you, Liam and I want to go spend thanksgiving with him and his family." I smiled at the memory. Since when do I smile this much?

"His family?" My mum asks raising an eyebrow.

I nod enthusiastically. "He said that he has a really big family but that since it would be our first time meeting them that it will just be his parents and siblings." I pause. "So what do you think?"

My mum smiles. "I think it sounds like a nice idea, but I will have to talk to Travis and his parents." My mum paused. "Run along now, I need to get dinner cooking." She smiled and ushered me out the door. She never likes cooking while others are in the same room.

I went back upstairs to find Travis laying on my bed with Liam. They were laughing about something that I hadn't heard. I lingered at the door, smiling at my brother getting along with my.... What was he to me? Was he a friend? Or was he just a person?..... My brother was getting along with Travis Black.

The floor creaked under me and both Travis and Liam instantly turned to look at me. I blushed and entered into my room.

"Hey princess." Travis smiled and walked over to me. He pulled me into a warm hug. "How did things go with your mum?" He asked with a hopeful smile.

"She wants to talk to you and your parents." I said and hugged him. For some reason I couldn't get enough of hugging Travis.


Naomi's mum made us all a kebab each, you know, the ones with meat, veg, and flavouring inside a pita pocket. It was delicious. After dinner Naomi had a shower and I played some Xbox with Liam.

Liam was a good kid. He only wanted what was best for his sister. He was also very good at Xbox, good enough to beat me. Me! Of all people. I play alot of Xbox myself, and never have I ever been beaten.

After her shower I put Naomi to bed and stayed with her until she fell asleep. Once I was sure that she was fully asleep, I tiptoed outside her room and shut the door behind me carefully.

I walked downstairs in the hopes of talking to Naomi's mum.

She sat in the lounge with a bowl of popcorn. "Travis, I didn't realise you were still up. I thought you would've gone to bed with Naomi?"

"Well actually Ms Jackson, I was hoping to talk to you about something?" I asked nervously. How do I even approach this subject?

"Honey, please, call me Barbara." She said. "And if this is about thanksgiving, I'm fine with it. I just needed to put up a normal human mum face for Naomi." Barbara smiled.

"Actually, Barbara, this is about your late husband." I said.

"My... Oh, so Naomi told you?" Barbara looked a little nervous, she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"Yes, she did tell me." I said, my jaw clenched. "And she also showed me." I paused. "How could you not know that your husband was abusing your daughter?! How could you let this happen to her? You're her mother, you should have been taking care of her. He should have been too but that sick bastard got what he deserved." I said, I was so angry at what had happened to Naomi.

"Travis, honey, you need to calm down. I don't want Naomi or Liam waking up and hearing this." She said. "Listen, I understand that you are upset about what happened to Naomi, so am I. I was furious when I found out. And you're right I should have known, all those broken arms and mysterious bruises. Naomi always said that she fell down the stairs. Harold, my husband and mate, always said that he saw her falling. She was clumsy, I'd seen her fall a few times." She paused. "I know that my words could never make up for what Harold did, but Harold did survive his accident. After Naomi was rushed into hospital and the doctors found her scars, I rejected him. That is how Harold died."

"I'm sorry. I had no idea." I said, I felt guilty for having just gone off at her.

"Don't be sorry my dear, he hurt my baby girl and I wasn't going to welcome him back in knowing what he did." She said. "I will always look out for my baby girl, so if you so much as breath on her funny I will not hesitate to kill you, I don't care if you're her mate. She's my daughter and I will protect her even more since I couldn't before."

I gulped. "Yes ma'am. But I promise you, Naomi is my princess. I will spend everyday treating her like the princess that she is and making sure she knows that we all care about her. She's my mate and I will protect her till death do us part."

* * * * * 

Uhh ohhh.....

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