Chapter Eleven

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One the drive back to Naomi's house, Liam kept talking about his cross country. Everytime he said how far he ran, Naomi gasped and her eyes widened. No matter how many time he said it, her reaction never changed or lessened.

I didn't care that she wasn't a wolf. Nick, my wolf, didn't care either. We only care that she was ours and that she was safe and happy. We were still currently working on the safe and happy part. But I like to think that I make Naomi happy.

Naomi believes that she is weak because of all that she has endured, all the self harm and bullying and god know what else my princess has been through. But she isn't weak, all that she has been through has made her strong, maybe not physically but mentally. She might even be the strongest person I know, and I'm a fighter for my pack. FYI tell anyone that I said she was stronger than them and I'll deny it.... Anyway, not the point. The point is that all the things that she has been through has made her strong, she hasn't given up on living. She might have at some stage, but there was something that kept her alive. She has a very strong determination and she is very stubborn. That is two of the many things I admire about my little mate.

I just hope that she feels comfortable enough to open up to me about everything.


When we got home, I made sure that Liam got a snack before going into the dining room to do his homework. Travis had said that he wanted to talk to me about something and that he'll meet me up in my room.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Every time I was with Travis I was nervous. Was I wrong to get more nervous when he says that he wants to talk to me about something? Was I over exaggerating?

Once Liam was all settled in with his homework I made my way slowly up to my room. I fiddled nervously with my sleeves and hat, his hat.

I really wanted to tell him about what Ashley was talking about. But what if he didn't take it well? What if he treated me like everyone else did when they find out what my dad did? Is that what Travis wants to talk about? Oh god what if he wants to talk about it. What if he already knows. But how would he know? Should I just tell him before someone else tells him? Or before he starts asking questions?

I slowly walk into my room to see Travis sitting on the edge of my bed. He looks nervous. I close the door behind me and sit next to Travis on the bed.

"Naomi..." Travis starts, but something comes over me.

"Travis, can I just say something really quickly? Or not so quickly?" I said nervously. "I'm sorry I just want to get this off my chest."

Travis nodded and smiled. "Go right ahead princess."

I nodded. I breathed in and out, in and out. How do I say this? "Okay, so I don't know how to say this. But I'm just going to give it my best." I said, Travis nodded for me to continue. "Today, with Ashley; the girl from school her name is Ashley.... When she was talking about my dad... My dad he, he died in a car accident when I was eleven. Liam was only two but he still remembers him, somehow..." I trailed off.

"I'm so sorry." Travis said and held my hand supportively.

"When my dad died, everyone found out something about me... and my dad." I paused and gulped, was I really about to tell Travis everything? Yes, I was he deserved to know the truth. "When I was three or four, it would start off as small slaps. No one would be around, or people were in another room. As I got older my punishments got worse." I rolled up my sleeves. "He would put his cigarettes out on me. He would cut me every time I did something bad. When I turned eight he started punching my stomach and kicking me...." I paused and took a breath, trying to keep the tears at bay. "On the day of his accident, my dad had said that I wasn't learning my lesson and that I needed something a little more permanent, something that I would see every day.... My dad, he... he took me out to the woodshed... And he grabbed the axe..." I paused as tears escaped. "And he sliced my cheek open.... He left me on the floor of the woodshed, bleeding." I paused, Travis squeezed my hand supportively. "A few hours later, my mum was trying to find me, she was going to tell me about my dad's accident. She found me on the floor of the woodshed... I was unconscious. I was rushed to hospital where they... stitched up my cheek. When I woke up I found out about my dad's accident. That day my mum lost her husband and she found out about what he had done to me. I didn't say a word to her about it. The doctors found all the scars on my body and put two and two together." I took a shaky breath. "Since that day, I took on the responsibilities of punishing myself. I refused to let myself feel anything. And if I did feel anything... I punished myself for it."

Travis pulled me into a big protective hug. "Naomi, I am so sorry. I had no idea." He paused. "That bastard is luck that he is dead. Otherwise I would kill him myself." Travis said. His statement didn't scare me, it made me feel safe. "Naomi, I have one question." I nodded at him to ask. "What does this have to do with that Ashley girl or anyone else from your school?"

"Ashley and her group... They sided with my dad, they all agreed that it was best that he punished me... And since he wasn't around to do it anymore.... Ashley decided it was her job to do it."

"Oh Naomi." Travis said. "No one is ever going to hurt you ever again. If they even try, I will kill them." He paused and wiped away my tears. "Naomi, you are my princess, I will always do my best to treat you like the princess that you are." Travis said making a smile appear on my face.

I hugged him tightly and pulled away when I remembered something. "You wanted to talk to me about something?" I asked.

Travis smiled. "Yes, I was wondering what your thanksgiving plans were."

* * * * * 

So the truth comes out. But is it the whole truth?

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