Chapter Eighteen

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I sat on the bed in the room that mum was staying in. Liam sat next to me while mum paced the room.

"I... we... your... can... should..." My mum kept starting different sentences.

Her bedroom doors flew open, causing us all to jump in fright. Travis walked in, he looked distracted.

"Shit, sorry." He muttered. He paced over to me and cupped my face in his hands. For a second his face looked clear of confusion and he looked happy. But it was only another second before his face was back to how it was when he walked in. He sighed and backed away from me.

Did I do something wrong?

"Naomi, you need to calm your breathing down." Liam whispered in my ear.

"I'm sorry." Travis started, he sounded furious. "Your husband is alive?! You told me, and your children that he was dead."

"Naomi take Liam to his room and stay there." Mum instructed me.

"I'm not going anywhere. You can't make her take me anywhere. We have a right to know." Liam protested.

"Naomi." Mum said in her warning voice.

I hated when she use that tone with me, but what I hated more what secrets. "No." I said quietly.

She looked at me stunned. "I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

I stood up. "I said no. Dad was alive this whole time. You are the one who told us he was dead. You are the one who promised he'd never hurt me again." I spoke.

"Naomi..." My mum started but was soon cut off.

"No, you do not get to keep her in the dark anymore. I am telling her the truth, and then you will tell us all the truth about what happened to that fuckwit of a mate of yours." Travis said stepping in front of me protectively.

"What truth, Travis what aren't you telling me?" I asked shocked that he had just admitted to lying to me.

Travis turned to me. "Naomi, how about we go talk in private?" Sorrow filled his face. He reached out to pull me into his arms. I flinched away sending pain to cross his face. "Please." He pleaded.

"Naomi, you should go with him." Liam said.

I looked at him and he nodded. I nodded at Travis and walked towards the door. Travis put his hand on my waist. I pulled away from him causing him to growl. I looked at him and his eyes were pitch black.

I slowly started to back away. A wall met my back, stopping me from moving. Travis slowly walked up to me. He put his hands on either side of me.

When he spoke, it was like he wasn't human. "You can trust me Naomi. Please baby girl. I'm going to tell you something that will be hard to hear. But please remember that I never wanted to keep this from you. Please remember that I .... I love you Naomi." Travis then hid his face in my neck and inhaled.

Was he smelling me?

Travis led me to a bedroom where I sat down on the bed and watched Travis pase.

"Okay, so what I'm going to say... well it's going to make me sound insane. But I promise you it will all be the truth." He paused and looked at me. "Are you ready?"

"I... ummm... I..." I nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Naomi, growing up did you hear stories about humans who changed into something else?" Travis asked me.

I looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?"

He sighed. "Umm, how about this. Have you read or watched Twilight or.... what 's the new crazy, the vampires with the more vampires and wolves with a girl and a vampire and humans?"

"The Vampire Diaries?" I asked.

Travis nodded and smiled. "Yeah that's it. Well all those things from in those books at tv.... Well they're kind of..."

"Real?" I asked.

Travis nodded. "Me, your family, and I think most the people you've met... well we're all.... We're werewolves..." Travis said.

I looked at him shocked for a second. After a minute I started hysterically laughing. "Yeah okay, and I'm the wizard of Oz. Just click your heels together three times..." I said and started laughing again.

Travis growled at me. "Naomi, I'm telling the truth."

"Werewolves aren't real.... Alright, if you are then show me." I crossed my arms knowing he wouldn't be able to do it.

Travis started taking off his shirt, causing me to blush and look away. "Don't hide your face princess."

I shook my head. "You're getting naked."

Travis chuckled. "Only because I don't want to ruin my clothes." He paused. "It's nothing you haven't seen before. Come on princess, just watch otherwise you still won't believe me."

I shook my head and kept my face hidden until I heard the cracking of bones. I lifted my head to see a big black beast. I started screaming and backed up to the head of the bed. The beast started whimpering and lowered itself to the ground. It slowly started crawling to me. 


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