Chapter Nineteen

354 24 15

Kill, sacrifice or take hostage?

Car, wolf, or train?

Stella, Andrew, or Sarah?

Straight, gay, or bisexual?

Run away, reject, or need time?

(Please note this is just what you want to happen, I won't tell you who it happens to just please vote on each question.)

"So a mate is a soul mate? And a pack is a community of werewolves?" I asked clarifying what Travis had just told me.

Travis sat next to me on the bed, he was fully clothed and in human form. He nodded. "Yeah, that's the best way I can describe it to you without it getting complicated. It feels so good to finally tell you that you're my mate." Travis said and reached out for my hand.

I sent him an apologetic look and pulled my hand away from him. "I'm sorry I can't." I paused. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that my whole life was a lie. That you and everyone else hid from me the fact you turn... into those big wolves!" I was furious, my mum, my brother, my boyfriend. They all lied to me. Yes I know that Travis was the one who told me. But shouldn't I have been told when I was younger?

"It's ok. I understand princess. It was only half an hour ago that you were screaming your head off at me." Travis said and gave me a small smile.

"I'm sorry. I just..." I was cut off when Liam burst in the room.

"Naomi, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. Mum said you weren't aloud to know." Liam said and hugged me.

I chest grew tight and it felt like my throat was burning. I felt dizzy and frozen at the same time.

"Liam." Travis said in a warning tone.

Liam backed away from me and looked at us confused. "Please tell me you didn't change into your wolf in front of her."

"Well... I.... She wouldn't believe me..."

Liam started laughing. "At least I know she'll never touch you again." Liam walked out the room laughing before yelling over his shoulder at us. "Mum wants to talk to us."

"What is he talking about?" Travis asked me worried.

"I... Ummm... Mum wants to talk... Need to see mum..." I was too scared to tell him. I know that I should cause I got upset when I found out my life was a lie... But it was kind of embarrassing. I raced out of the room and turned right.

"Your mum's room is this was baby girl." Travis laughed.

I turned around, blushing, and followed Travis. It's not my fault Travis blimmin Black lives in a huge house. Why do they even need a house this big?

When we got to mum's room, Liam was laying on the bed laughing hysterically. Mum sat in a chair next to the fire place. When she saw me she smiled at little bit before giving me a look which was a mix of sympathetic and apologetic. I smiled back at her and sat on the ground next to the fire. Travis said in the chair across from mum, while Liam was still on the bed laughing.

"Liam. If you want to hear this then come sit, if not take your laughing ass out of here." Mum said in her commanding voice.

Liam stopped laughing and sat in between Travis and I.

"Okay so as you kids know your dad was in a crash. He didn't die instantly like I may have said, but he was taken to hospital. Our pack hospital. He was treated and was still badly injured. Naomi, when I found you, I realized what kind of man he was and that I didn't want him in our lives anymore. So I went to see him... And I rejected him." Mum paused when Liam gasped. "A few minutes later he went into cardiac arrest and flatlined. They tried reviving him but I didn't stick around. I was told that he didn't make it."

I nodded and so did Liam.

But Travis had a confused look on his face. "I have a question if I may?" Mum nodded at him to ask. "Harold said that I had killed his daughter and her mate?"

"Right, well... You see. A few months before I met Harold he had gotten his girlfriend pregnant, they were convinced they were mates, until he met me. When he did meet me she swore that she would get an abortion, but it was too late, she was too far along." A tear slipped down mums cheek.

"So who is our sister?" I asked.

"Naomi, you know how when we were at the park and you bumped your head? Well that's not the whole story." Travis paused. "Ashley was there with her mate Alex, they had tried to kidnap you..."

"You lied to me?" It felt like my heart was going to explode. "I can't.... Breath..." I gasped trying to breath.

* * * * * 

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