Chapter Twenty-seven

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I walked out of Travis' parents house, I walked out to the back house which Travis lived in. I opened the door and walked in. it was a lot cleaner than the last time I had been here. The blood had been cleaned and then furniture had been put back into place but the wall still had a massive hole in it.

I walked over to Travis' bed. I sat down and played with the blankets between my fingers.

I'd had my first kiss here. I smiled at the memory. I layed down and closed my eyes.

David had kicked me out of Travis' hospital room, he said that me spending thirty-six hours straight at Travis' side wasn't going to do anyone good. He said I could come back tomorrow. It was currently three in the afternoon.

I walked over to Travis' drawers I grabbed out one of his jumpers and changed my top for it. It smelled very strongly of him. I felt his presence, he was warm and smelled like he had just showered, it was all thanks to the jumper.

I then went to the bed and laid down, pulling the blankets right up to my nose. I closed my eyes and thought of every moment I'd spent with Travis.

From the time I first met him, he was holding me up right in the school bathroom. The time where he first took me to the lake and we sat on the blanket. When he brought me home and carried me through the crowed of police officers. The time he had admitted to staying through the night just to make sure I was okay. When he took me to school to sign me out, and he protected me. When he found out what my father did to me and how I'd kept doing it to myself. How he had been so supportive and caring. How he had taken me to meet his parents for thanksgiving. How he told me the truth about what he was, and what my family were. How he had gotten in an accident just to get to me, to make sure I was okay.

Travis had shown me what love was in a matter of weeks, even if I didn't realize it. Travis never stopped caring out me, ever since he met me, he had always loved me.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. Travis loved me.

I got up and out of Travis' bed. I walked out of the back house and into the main house. I walked up the stairs to the bedroom where Travis and I had sat by the fire. There was no fire anymore but I still sat in front of the fireplace.

I smiled at the memory of us cuddling here. My smile soon turned to a frown and I started crying again.

I pulled pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a baby crying. I got up and followed the sound until I got to a door. I slowly opened the door and I found myself in a nursery. I walked over to the crib to see Parker, Travis' son, crying his little eyes out.

Travis had gotten drunk with his best friend and ended up having sex with her, I didn't blame him anymore. I know what alcohol does to people. Some people get aggressive, like my dad, some people get emotional or extremely happy, like my mum, and other people end up making a huge mistake, like Travis and Emma.

"Hello, little buba." I said and picked Parker up. "Why you crying?" I cooed at him.

He slowly started to settle in my arms.

"Were you lonely buba?" I asked. "I'm lonely too." I said, tears springing to my eyes. "Maybe we could keep each other company?" I asked.

Parker started to giggle softly. He started bouncing in my arms.

I sat on the floor and started bouncing Parker. He squealed with happiness. We continued this for a while until he pointed to his mouth.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

He squealed and wrapped his little arms around my neck.

"I'll take that as a yes." I smiled at him and stood up, holding onto him very tightly.

I walked us down to the kitchen and grabbed a pre made bottle out of the fridge. I put it in the microwave and turn it on for thirty seconds.

I wait for the microwave to ding before I test the milk on my wrist. I then walk Parker and I back up to his room, happy with the temperature of his milk. I sit us down in the rocking chair in the corner. I hold Parker with one arm, while feeding him with my other arm.

I smiled down at him as he starts to fall asleep in my arms.

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