Chapter Twenty-eight

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I carried Parker on my hip into Travis' hospital room. It's been a few days since I'd first seen Travis in here, his condition still hadn't changed. The wounds on him weren't healing, he still wasn't able to breath on his own, and his heart was still weak. But he was still alive, and I believed that he would get better.

"Who's that buba?" I asked. "Is that dadda?" I said bouncing him.

He reached his arms out towards Travis and squealed.

"Sorry buba, you have to stay in my arms." I said, earning a pout. I couldn't help but giggle at how adorable Parker was. "How about we sit here and talk to dadda?" I asked.

I sat Parker and I down in the chair next to Travis' bed, the chair I knew all too well. I'd been in here everyday, every chance I had. Parker was either with me, Travis' parents or siblings.

Every day it got hard to see him like this. Every day that he wasn't getting better was another day where I felt worse.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I noticed David standing in front of me.Travis' mum, Lorain came in a few minutes later. They smiled at their son, their grandson, and I. I smiled back.

"Naomi, we have something to show you." Lorain said with a wide grin.

I smiled back at her and started to laugh slightly. "What is it?"

"Follow me." David said.

I stood up and Lorain took Parker from my arms. I followed David out of the hospital and we wandered for about half an hour.

"Naomi, I'm so proud of you. You've come so far and that is an amazing achievement. I didn't know you before you met Travis, but I've heard about how you use to be, and I'm very proud of you. You seem happy, and I know it can be hard to see your mate in a state like Travis is in, but we're all family and we will always be here for you." David said making me tear up.

I wiped my eyes. "Did you bring me out here to just make me cry?" I asked.

David chuckled for a second. "No, my dear. I have brought you out here to give you a give, for you, my son, and I'm hoping my grandson, and hopefully more grandchildren?" He said the last two as if questioning it to me.

I nodded, Parker will be staying with us, he is Travis' son and I understand that he got drunk and made a mistake." I confessed then paused, thinking about the last part of what he said. "II don't know if I'm ready to be having my own kids just yet, it's something Travis and I will have to talk about." I explain to David.

David nodded.

"Can I ask a question, David?" I asked quietly, knowing he would still hear me.

David nodded again. "Of course, my dear."

I stopped walking and looked at David seriously. "What happens to Parker if.... If Travis doesn't make it?" I asked, I really didn't want to think about that but I knew I would have to at some stage.

"Well you and Parker are very welcome to stick around here, we are family after all. And if it does come to that I don't want you thinking that you can't still be here, cause you will always be family. But if you decide that being here, or even raising Parker on your own is to hard, then we will understand." David said and pulled me into a hug. "But don't go thinking like that okay? My son is tough and he will pull through."

David lead me into a forest and we soon came into a clearing, there was the startings of a house, just the wooden frame so far. There were about six people working on the house, hammering and measuring.

"This is for you and Travis." David said.

I gaped up at him. I can't tell if he's kidding or not. "I....Uhhh."

David laughed. "Naomi, this is mine and my mates gift to you. You two need your own house especially with Parker running around." He explained.

I stood on my tiptoes and hugged David tightly. "Thank you so much, this mean so much."

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