Chapter Twenty-two

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I woke up, wrapped with coldness. I was shivering and my teeth were chattering. I rolled over to see the bed next to me was empty. I sat up and looked around the room. Travis was sitting by the fire, poking a hot log with a fireplace prodder.

I slowly got up and padded my way over to him. He looked up at me.

"Morning." He smiled. "Sorry, I was meant to come back to bed, I guess I just got lost in thought."

I nodded and sat down next to him. I put my hands out towards the fire, the heat wrapping around my hands.

"Come here, let me warm you up." Travis spoke.

I shuffled closer to him, letting him wrap his arms around me. I looked up at him to notice something different. "You're not wearing your glasses." I said.

Travis smiled. "When it's cold like this they frost up. So I'm wearing contacts."

I looked at him confused. "Cold like this?"

"Well, last night there was a massive snow blizzard, so not only are we snowed in. But it is a fabulous negative nineteen degrees. So I hope you either brought heaps of warm clothes, or your willing to stay in my arms all day, or both." He said and kissed my cheek.

I smiled up at him. I know I'm still new to this whole mates thing, but I love the feeling of sparks when our skin touch. It warms me to know that I'll, hopefully, always have him around. "Oh I dunno. I think I might go with just the warm clothes, unless you have any objections?" I smirked at him.

Travis smiled and tackled me to the ground. He began tickling me. I responded by hitting him and screaming. Travis started laughing and tickling me more.

"No, Travis... stoppppppp." I screamed while laughing.

Travis pulled away and sat me up. "You okay?" He asked and kissed my cheek.

I nodded and pulled Travis into a hug. When we pulled away our lips brushed against each others. Travis pulled away, but I pulled him closer and smashed my lips into his.

Travis clung tightly onto my hips, moving his lips with mine. He nibbled on my lip slightly and smiled against my lips.

Someone cleared their throat from behind me. "What is up with you two and everytime I walk into the room, you're making out?" David's voice said.

"Dad." Travis growled, holding me tightly against him.

"Sorry, sorry. Breakfast is ready." He said and shortly after I heard a door close.

I tried to stand up, only to be pulled right back down. "Where are you going baby girl?" Travis asked.

"Breakfast..." I started but was soon cut off.

"Breakfast can wait, I'm pretty sure we were in the middle of something." Travis said and kissed my neck.

I giggled and kissed his cheek. "But I'm hungry." I moaned.

Travis growled. "I'm the only one who can make you moan."

I started laughing. "Food is amazing though." I stood up and ran towards the door.

Warm arms wrapped around me and stopped me from running. "I'm more amazing." Travis' voice whispered huskily in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I raised my eyebrow. "Prove it." I smirked up at him.

Travis pulled me over to the bed and sat me down. "Naomi. I know you don't know what love is, but I know you like me, and I hope that you like me a lot. I hope that one day I would have succeeded at showing you what love is." He paused and crouched in front of me. "Naomi, I love you with all my heart, I always will. So will you do me the honor of one day becoming my wife?"

Tears were spilling down my face. Was this to soon? What if I'm not ready? What if he changes his mind. I put all the bad thoughts out of my mind and nodded at Travis, if I was going to live any kind of life. I was going to live mine, the way I want to live it. "I honestly don't know what will happen to us, if we will grow old together, or separate in a few days, I don't know if this is too soon or not, but there is only one way for me to find out. So yes, I would love to one day marry you." I said.

Travis ran his thumbs under my eyes, wiping up the tears. "Then put this on." He smiled pulling out a small silver diamond ring from his pocket. He slipped it onto my finger and pulling me into a tight hug.

* * * * * 

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P.S I have a surprise coming up in a few chapters hopefully, I hope you guys don't hate me for it, and I hope that you'll grow to love it.

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