Chapter Four

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Travis turned off the engine of his pickup and pulled the key out of the ignition. He turned to me and smiled. "So I've been here about a week. On m y first night here, I was just driving around, until I found this place. I spend most of my time here, it's always so quiet and peaceful." Travis told me.

I looked at him confused. "If this is your safe place, then why bring me here?"

He shrugged and smiled. "I dunno, there's just something about you Naomi. I want to share this place with you. I just, I think that you need a safe place too."

I blushed and turned to face the window. How was he making me feel these things? I can't even explain how he's making me feel. It's odd, I've never experienced this before. What's wrong with me?

I heard Travis' door open and shut shortly before he appeared next to my door. He smiled and opened it for me. I got out and stood awkwardly next to his car. Travis shut the door and pulled a blanket out from the back of his pickup.

Travis lead me over to the lake's edge. He spread the blanket out on the ground and sat on it. After a few minutes Travis carefully guided me onto the blanket next to him. "It's so peaceful here." He whispered.

"Yeah, it really is." I agreed.

We sat like that for half an hour in silence. I watched the leaves fall from the trees and into the lake. I listened to the wind pushing its way through the dead leaves that covered the ground. I thought about today, about how I had met Travis Black. I wondered what he was thinking right now.

A dinging noise came from Travis' pocket, startling me and bringing me out of my thoughts.

I turned to see Travis pulling a phone out of his pocket. He stared at it for a few minutes before gasping and turning to face me.

"Show me." He said in a stern voice, his voice still held kindness but was using a serious tone. His face showed me concern. His eyes showed anger and pain.

I looked at him confused. What was he talking about? What does he want me to show him?

"Naomi, please show me what they did to you today." Travis spoke, his voice less stern this time.

How did he know what happened? "H-how did you k-know?" I asked quietly.

Travis sighed and looked into my eyes. "I guess I always knew, I just didn't want to accept it. But.... they posted a video of it on YouTube." He spoke slowly, as if unsure on wether or not he should tell me.

I felt tears prick at my eyes, except this time I couldn't hold them back, they spilled down my cheeks and I forced myself to look away from Travis.

I felt arms wrap around me protectively. "Shhh. Hey, I won't let them hurt you okay?" Travis whispered in my ear as he rubbed my back soothingly.

I leaned against him, giving into these weird feelings. I let Travis support me as I sobbed. I let everything out.

I have no idea how much time had passed before I finally stopped sobbing, but when we did finally pull apart the sun was setting and it was getting cold.

"I-I'm sorry." I mumbled, ashamed that he had witnessed me breaking down.

Travis carefully turned me to face him. "Naomi, you have nothing to be sorry for. It's not your fault." He paused for a long time. "Please show me what they did?" It came out more like a question.

I slowly nodded. He'd seen me breaking down over this, so I guess he might as well see what happened right? "H-how?" I asked quietly and awkwardly.

"Uhhh." He paused and looked around. "Lie down. I'll be right back, I'm just going to the car." Travis explained and stood up.

I did as told and lay down on the blanket. Travis returned a few seconds later holding a red bag. Travis knelt down next to me and gave me a small supportive smile.

"What now?" I asked nervously.

"Now, I'm going to lift your shirt up a little ok?" Travis said holding eye contact with me.

I closed my eyes tightly and nodded. A few second later my jumper was being lifted up and rested on my chest. I felt warm hand run along my skin. I flinched away from them for a brief second. I slowly opened my eyes to see a furious Travis. A whimper escaped my lips, causing him to flinch.

Why did I just whimper? No, how did I just whimper?!

"Naomi, I want you to point the people out to me at school tomorrow." Travis said lowering my shirt.

I shook my head quickly and sat up.

"Naomi please, I just want to make sure they never hurt you again." Travis said genuinely.

"It's getting late." I said changing the subject.

Travis nodded in agreement. "I should get you home."

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