Chapter Twenty-six

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I sat in mums car. It was parked just outside the pack hospital that David worked at. Mum and Liam were giving me a few minutes alone to think.

I played with the engagement ring between my fingers, twisting and turning it. I then started to play with the necklace Travis had given me, I always wore it.

Was I ready to give Travis up for good? Was I sure that I wanted nothing to do with him, to never see or speak to him again? Was I sure about any of this?

I got out of the car, locking it. I took a deep breath before walking into the hospital. People were everywhere. This was much like the last time I came here.... When I found out about Travis' son....

I walked up to the front counter. "Hi... I'm... uhh... Looking for Travis Black's room." I said, what else was I supposed to say? Why was it so hard to ask that?

The lady looked up at me. "And who are you to Mr Black?" She asked giving me an up-down.

Who was I to him? Who did I want to be to him? Did I want to be his mate? His fiancee? His friend? Or nobody?

"Naomi?" A familiar voice said from behind me. "Oh honey, I'm so glad you came. Travis will be so happy." Travis' mum said with a smile.

"So he's okay?" I asked.

She sighed. "He's stable, we will know more about how he is when he wakes up." She said optimistic.

I nodded and followed her down a few halls. She stopped when we got to two big doors saying 'ICU'. I gasped.

"Now listen, before we go in there, he's in pretty bad shape. But just keep in mind that he's still the same Travis we all know and love." She said.

I nodded and she pushed through the doors. I followed, taking slow deep breaths. She opened another door, but she didn't go in. She held it open for me and then closed it once I was inside.

I took a deep breath and looked around. Travis lay flat on a hospital bed, tubes were sticking out of his throat, wires were on his chest and forehead. I gasped. I slowly took steps towards him. As I got closer, I could see more of the wounds that covered Travis.

I took a seat in the chair next to his bed.

I did this to him. I may not have been driving the train, but I was the reason he was driving, I was the reason he was speeding, I was the reason he was to distracted to see a train. It was my fault he was lying in this bed, tubes down his throat, cuts all over his body.

I sobbed, holding his hand. "I'm so sorry." I sobbed more. "Travis, in all honesty I came here to... what was it mum called it? Reject you?.... But now that I see what I've done, how could I reject you." I paused and took a shaky breath. "You've shown me nothing but love and kindness, I see that now. I see how much you care. I mean, you did drive in front of a train to try get to me. But I'm here now, with you." I paused. "I came here, fully ready to take off this ring and give it back to you. But from what I hear mates are suppose to stand at each other's sides through thick and thin. And apparently a fight isn't enough reason to leave for good." I paused for a few minutes.

I listened to the heart monitor and the sound of air going through the tubes.

"Damn you Travis Black, why did you have to give me feelings for? I'm a blubbering mess. At least you aren't looking at how much of a mess I am right now. I don't want to lose you Travis Black."

I sat in silence for what felt like an eternity.

"Travis, do you remember when you took me to sign out of school the day after we met? You promised that if I hold your hand, that everything will be alright." I paused. "I'm holding your hand Travis, I'm squeezing for dear life, and I will continue holding your hand until everything is alright." Tears slipped down my cheeks. "Please be alright." I whispered.


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Will he be alright?

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