Chapter Three

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My body quaked. Warmth filled my body, soon followed by pain. I wheeze in complaint.

I heard someone muttering something under their breath, but I couldn't quite figure out what they said.

Where am I? Am I dead?

"No." Someone chuckled. "You're not dead." Someone said and twisted my body into a sitting position. My back against a wall, and my legs positioned in front of me.

When I finally opened my eyes, a boy sat on my right, facing me. He looked to be about my age. He had black hair, pale blue eyes and tanned skin. He wore thick rimmed glasses and black clothes.

I shuffled to my left, away from this boy.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you." He voiced. He had an accent.

I tried to stand up, only to fall back down. I wanted to cry out in pain.

Strong arms caught me before I could hit the floor. "I won't let you fall, I'll always catch you." The accented boy said.

I peered over at him. He stood tall, me in his arms. I quickly pulled away, clutching onto my ribs and abdomen. "Wh-who are you?" I asked quietly.

He gave me a small smile. "The name's Travis Black, I've just transferred in." The more he talked, the more I could tell his accent was southern.

I tried to hide my smile, for some reason this southern Travis Black had me smiling and blushing. I nodded at him in reply, not trusting any words that may spill out of my mouth.

"Now, mysterious girl whose name I do not know, do you usually hang out in the boy's bathroom?" He asked.

I felt like my face was on fire. I looked down at the ground, trying to avoid eye contact with him. But that blimmin Travis Black wouldn't let me. He crouched down slightly in front of me and look up into my eyes. I was so embarrassed. I felt tears pricking at my eyes, my abdomen felt like it was going to explode. I couldn't tell him what happened, so I settle with a simple shake of the head, telling him no I do not usually hang out in the boy's bathroom.

Travis frowned. "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. Are you okay? Is there anything I can do?" He paused for a brief moment. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"

I shook my head quickly, I never talked about it. Not with anyone. I certainly wasn't about to talk about it with a stranger, even if he had been so nice to me.

"Do you wanna go somewhere away from everything? With me?" He asked, he seemed a bit nervous to ask.

He had no idea how much I wanted to get away from everything, permanently. But should I go with him? I mean he is a stranger, all I know is Travis Black is a southerner who makes me smile and blush. I have no idea what to do. Do I go with him and risk trouble, or stay where I'm bound to get hurt again?

I nodded slowly, still unsure about my decision.

Travis smiled and lead me out into the student carpark. He took me over to an old blue pickup truck. Travis turns back to me when he gets to the passenger's door. "Do I at least get to know your name before I let you inside ol' Bessy here?" Travis spoke with a nervous smirk.

I shrugged, I guess I could tell him my name, I mean he is taking me away from this place right? "I... My...Naomi." I stuttered, not knowing how to say it. I blushed.

"Well Naomi, I like your accent and your beautiful blush." Travis smiled at me.

"I... I don't have an accent." I said confused.

Travis smiled and opened the door for me. "Well Naomi, to me you do, and to you I do."

I smiled shyly as I got into Travis' pickup truck, cringing at the pain as I sat down.

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